Ungodly Family Tiesಮಾದರಿ

Ungodly Family Ties

DAY 6 OF 7

Day 6:  Relating to Evildoers

Here's a tricky subject. We must first be careful to acknowledge that we are all sinners and “we all fall short of God’s glorious standard (Romans 3:23)." We should first address our own sin. Jesus’ words are, “Hypocrite! First, get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye (Matthew 7:5).”

Secondly, we are instructed to correct other believers in a loving manner. If a family member is doing something that God has not called us to do, we should lovingly address the issue. You may be the only person that would ever consider pointing out that family member's wrongdoing (by loving them the way Christ calls us to). After all, true love takes courage.

What if your family member is not a Christian? Then, you can lead by example and teach what Christ has taught us that brings salvation (John 3:16). Patience, kindness, and love when trying to help this family member are of the utmost importance. If that person is not ready to accept Jesus on their own, this is simply a battle that you alone cannot fight or win. You must leave it to the Holy Spirit to continue to work on that person until they are ready to choose Christ.

Lastly, we have worked on our shortcomings and taught God's word at every opportunity. We have rebuked sin in a caring fashion and attempted to help bring others to Christ. What is there left to do? What if the dysfunction caused by sin does not stop? The bible says we must flee from evil. We are to hate the sin, not the person. We should not continue to jeopardize our salvation or mental/physical well-being for the sake of sinners who do not wish to change. Harsh, but reality.

Reflect on the following bible verses to confirm God's instructions on relating to evildoers in our lives.

ದಿನ 5ದಿನ 7

About this Plan

Ungodly Family Ties

This 7-day devotional is for anyone who has struggled with wayward family members. Do you walk a tightrope between living your life faithfully and coping with difficult family members in a way that is pleasing to God? Every family has a struggle or two with hurt and dysfunction. May this plan help to guide you as you strive to relate to misguided family members.
