More Beauty Less Messಮಾದರಿ

More Beauty Less Mess

DAY 5 OF 10

I was hot, tired, and an accident had smashed the front end of our car. I should’ve been thankful that no one had been hurt, but my temporary frustration overshadowed everything else.

As we waited, and waited, for our tow truck to arrive, my impatience grew. It didn’t help that I had to go the bathroom, badly. With a huff, I stalked off toward the nearest convenience store, about a quarter mile away.

My daughter hurried after me and immediately launched into cheerful chatter, only I was not in the mood for conversation.

But then God gently whispered to my soul. He reminded me that while I had no control over our car-fiasco, I retained full control over my response. I could remain fixed on my frustration, and rob me and my daughter of a relationship-building opportunity, or I could maximize our time together. By God’s grace, I chose the latter. As a result, we enjoyed a beautiful bonding experience despite our circumstances.

Unfortunately, my daughter and I have often experienced the converse as well—days when we allowed temporary problems to dominate our thoughts and distort our perspectives.

Moses, the author of Psalm 90, seemed to express similar regret. Scholars believe he likely wrote the words, “Teach us to number our days,” shortly after gazing upon the land God had promised to His people. Land Moses had been leading them toward for decades.

And now, they were about to enter, only Moses, their leader, wouldn’t be joining them. Because in a moment in which he was probably hot, tired, and frustrated, just as I had been, he reacted in frustration, and, according to Scripture, disbelief.

Nearing the end of his life, I imagine he reflected on all the years prior, wishing he could go back. Hoping his people would gain a more eternal perspective and wouldn’t waste a moment.

Time is short. In a flash, our kids are grown and our parents gone—each hour now past, never to be captured again. Lord, help us to recognize how fleeting each day is that we might live and love with intention.

How often do you allow passing setbacks to impact your actions? How might “numbering your days” help change your attitude?

~Jennifer Slattery


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About this Plan

More Beauty Less Mess

The mother-daughter relationship can be one of the most precious and beautiful connections women experience. At times, it can also be confusing and a bit messy. As we grow closer to Christ, He will help us create more beauty than mess. Edited by Karen Greer.
