More Than a Bookಮಾದರಿ

More Than a Book

DAY 3 OF 7

Years after Adam and Eve, God called a man named Abram and made a promise to him - he was going to be the father of an entire nation of God’s chosen people; and the particular person who God promised to send to save his people would come from Abram’s descendants. God renamed Abram and called him Abraham, which means “father of many.” 

At the time, this seemed impossible - Abraham and his wife were very, very old and didn’t have any children. However, God is always faithful to keep his promises, as we have found out so far from the Bible, and his wife Sarah had a son. 

God’s plan to restore his relationship with his people was still underway - and we’re only one book into the Bible! God promised that the special Savior was going to come. Even when it seemed impossible, God still had a plan. 

Challenge: What is something that feels impossible in your life? Take a moment today to pray about it. Remember, God doesn’t always answer our prayers exactly how we think he should. Even if God’s answer is different than what we think, we can still trust that he will always answer. 

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About this Plan

More Than a Book

Let's be real - the Bible can be confusing. It's 66 different books and letters, written by over 40 authors, over a long period of time. While the Bible is many books and letters, they all work together to tell one epic story focused on Jesus. Join us as we unpack this story over the next seven days.
