Fruit Bowlಮಾದರಿ

Fruit Bowl

DAY 62 OF 63

Add to your Faith

There are two commands in this verse: 

1. Do not conform to the pattern of this world. 

2. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

The first command is particularly tough as we live in a world that shapes and forms us whether we like it or not. We unconsciously pick up behaviors and attitudes and habits which aren’t in line with God’s kingdom values.

Ben Sixsmith in the Spector writes:

“I am not religious, so it is not my place to dictate to Christians what they should and should not believe. Still, if someone has a faith worth following, I feel that their beliefs should make me feel uncomfortable for not doing so. If they share 90% of my lifestyle and values, then there is nothing especially inspiring about them. Instead of making me want to become more like them, it looks very much as if they want to become like me.”

Sometimes as Christians we can get so concerned about being relevant and cool that we just end up looking like everyone else- we unintentionally conform to the pattern of the world. 

In what ways does that manifest for you?

Where does your lifestyle and values not match up with those of God’s kingdom and what would it look to change and lay those down?


ದಿನ 61ದಿನ 63

About this Plan

Fruit Bowl

Fruit Bowl is a 9-week deep dive into the Fruit of the Spirit put together by the Naujavan community. Jesus said, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit is the result of spending quality time with God, allowing Him to shape and form us.” We hope this devotional encourages you to do just that.
