Fruit Bowlಮಾದರಿ

Fruit Bowl

DAY 58 OF 63

Desires and Temptations

A big part of temptation is self-control, the ability to restrain yourself from a particular desire. The enemy will not tempt you from something you do not find desirable. 

The Bible tells us that Eve found the fruit in the garden of Eden, saw that it was good for food, pleasing to the eye and desirable! It wouldn’t have been a temptation if it wasn’t desirable. The enemy knows our weaknesses and will pick at these to see to his fall. 

Recognising your weaknesses is the first part of finding self-control. This will differ from individual to individual, but the principle remains the same. Temptation is a seduction or an allurement to sin, but one cannot be seduced if there was a lack of interest or desire. You will not face a temptation bigger than your capability to overcome it, no matter how difficult it may seem, you can do it! 

Often when we are tempted, we tend to describe it as something no one else would understand, as if it’s a unique experience only to ourselves. However, God reminds us in this verse that many men and women have experienced or are experiencing the same temptation. Find comfort in knowing you are not alone. If others, before you have experienced the same temptation and God, has given them the strength to be victorious, there is hope for you, you too can draw strength from the Lord to be victorious over your temptations. Find strength in the Lord and encouragement in your brothers and sisters. The Bible tells us in Psalms 46 that God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble. In times of temptation, lean on God and each other. The Bible tells in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God has given us a spirit of power, love, and self-control. 

Jesus fought temptation in the wilderness with the Word of God. When we stand in the face of temptation we can do the same. It’s not something we need to do alone either, who can you share your challenges and struggles with today? Do you know someone who is struggling and how can you encourage them today?

ದಿನ 57ದಿನ 59

About this Plan

Fruit Bowl

Fruit Bowl is a 9-week deep dive into the Fruit of the Spirit put together by the Naujavan community. Jesus said, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit is the result of spending quality time with God, allowing Him to shape and form us.” We hope this devotional encourages you to do just that.
