Christmas: 7 Days of Peace ಮಾದರಿ

Christmas: 7 Days of Peace

DAY 6 OF 7

He Himself is Our Peace

By Caleb Logan

“For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.”—Ephesians 2:14 

In Ephesians 2 Paul reminds us that we were once dead because of our disobedience and our many sins.  We used to live in disobedience and sin just like the rest of the world. Because God is so rich in mercy and loves us so much, we were given life through Christ when He rose from the dead! It’s nothing that we have done that will grant us salvation . . . it’s all a gift given by God through everything that Jesus did to pay the price for our sins so that we can live with Him for eternity.

And because it’s not dependent on us, because it is a free gift of grace (undeserved favor) generously given by God to us, because we didn’t earn it and don’t deserve it, we should never become proud or boastful about it. In fact, even life itself is a gift from God, the abilities and gifts that we have been given are gifts from God, everything we experience and enjoy is a gift from God. We are His masterpiece, and He has given us this life and these gifts so that we can accomplish good works He prepared for us before we were even born. He has made us and purposed us to be used for His glory! 

And now, with that backdrop in mind, in verses 14–18 we learn that by His Holy Spirit, Jesus has brought us peace. Not just peace between us and God, not just peace within our own heart, but also peace with others! You see, for the believer, our peace comes from the Holy Spirit in us! Nothing external should be able to take that peace away from us. If we’re abiding in Him, if we’re living a lifestyle of prayer and thanksgiving, His peace will be available to us. And as His peace is available to us, we’re able to pass it on to others. 

As we enter the Christmas season and remember how the Prince of Peace came to bring us into perfect peace with God and that His peace resides in us through His Spirit, I want to challenge you to consider your current relationships. Are you walking in peace with others while settling for quiet with inner tension still lurking, or are you experiencing all-out conflict with others? Christmas is a great time to make peace with people! Spend time in prayer and fasting as you consider seeking peace and reconciliation with others.

Questions for Reflection:

  • How does it feel knowing that He who conquered death lives in you?
  • How can you live your life in complete peace and freedom?


ದಿನ 5ದಿನ 7

About this Plan

Christmas: 7 Days of Peace

In this seven-day plan for teenagers and young adults, you’ll get to read all about the gift of peace that comes through Jesus and how we can experience it.
