Christmas: 7 Days of Peace ಮಾದರಿ

Christmas: 7 Days of Peace

DAY 3 OF 7

Living in Daily Peace

By Joseph Worsham

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.”—Isaiah 26:3

Take a moment to think back to a time that God has given you a deep sense of peace. What was that like? Once you have that in your mind, let’s bring it back to the present. 

Are you experiencing that same peace? Or rather, do you feel like you’re constantly experiencing the opposite—fear, and anxiety? If only we could experience that peace at any time, especially when so many different aspects of life can cause this fear and anxiety. There’s the stress of school, social pressures, the idea of your future after middle and high school. And then, of course, there are those unforeseen trials and tragedies, and the list goes on and on. But even if you’re struggling through all of these or more, God has given us the opportunity to live in daily peace. The way to acquire this peace is simply by doing two things:

1. Trust in God! (Isaiah 26:3)

If you’ve been living under the impression that you have to do everything yourself, fix everything yourself, even prevent everything yourself, it’s no wonder you’re filled with anxiety. Trust that God—not you—is in control of your life and your circumstances. Trust that He is going to empower you to live your life to the best of your ability while giving you indescribable peace, no matter the circumstance.

2. Allow your mind to be steadfast and governed by the Spirit (Romans 8:6)

The world is full of uncertainty, and if we do not take care of our minds, any little bump in the road can send us into a dark place. Maybe you’ve already experienced this . . .

Paul is saying that the Holy Spirit provides us peace when we focus on the things of the Spirit. What does that mean for us? It means we should train our minds through consistent time in the Word and in prayer, to constantly remember that: 1) the world we live in is not our permanent home and we have an eternal home in Heaven, and 2) we are to live our lives with the goal of bringing glory to Christ in all aspects. If we can understand those two things, we will live with peace in our hearts.

So, the question is . . . What’s in the way of you experiencing daily peace? Whatever it is, talk to someone you trust about it, and confess it to God! God wants us to live in daily peace, and we have free access to it! 

Questions for Reflection:

  • What’s in the way of you experiencing daily peace?
  • Who can you talk to about your lack of peace?


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About this Plan

Christmas: 7 Days of Peace

In this seven-day plan for teenagers and young adults, you’ll get to read all about the gift of peace that comes through Jesus and how we can experience it.
