Thru the Bible -- Gospel of Lukeಮಾದರಿ

Thru the Bible -- Gospel of Luke

DAY 6 OF 13

On the Way to Jerusalem

Before you start todays devotional, ask the Lord to use it to grow you up in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Now comes the time for Jesus to lay the foundation for a future without Him physically on earth. He gave His twelve disciples power over demons, disease, and death as a “sign gift,” proving they were who they claimed to be.

Jesus’ ministry impact was well known in Galilee. Crowds followed Him everywhere—even when He withdrew to rest. But Jesus always received them, taught them, and healed the sick. One time the disciples told Jesus to send them away, but instead Jesus said, “Let’s give everyone something to eat.”

“That’s impossible,” the disciples said, doing the math. “How can we feed over 5,000 men and their families?”

The disciples had to learn, as we should too, that God always commands the impossible. The reason is obvious—He intends to do the work. This time, He took a little boy’s offering of five loaves and two fish and fed thousands.

Soon after, Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do the crowds say that I am?” (9:18). Jesus wanted the disciples to be clear about who He actually was. “Some say You are John the Baptist,” they said. “Some say Elijah or another old prophet.” They, too, were confused. But Jesus pressed, “Who do you say that I am?” (9:20).

“You are the Christ, the Messiah,” Peter said—it was the finest thing he ever said.

Then Jesus shocked them with the news that He was going away. He would suffer and be killed and rise again on the third day. He wanted to prepare them for His death but also give them hope of His resurrection. “Keep following Me—regardless of the cost. It’s worth every sacrifice,” He told them. The same is true today. Keep proclaiming Jesus is Lord and Savior. Keep serving Him and giving Him glory. He’s worth everything.

A week later, the Lord took Peter, James, and John up a mountain to pray. While He prayed, Jesus’ countenance was “transfigured”—literally, it is metamorphosis like it will be for us in some future day when we are changed when we see Jesus. (See 1 John 3:2.)

As Jesus prayed, two men stood with Him on the mountainside. Moses, who represented the Law, and Elijah, who represented the prophets, stood witness there with Him, talking about His coming death.

Peter, James, and John just waking up from their nap were amazed by Jesus’ glory. Not completely understanding what he saw, Peter suggested they build three tabernacles to honor this event, putting Moses and Elijah on a par with Jesus Christ. Others do the same when they list Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, and Christ as founders of religion. But Jesus Christ is the Savior. We are not saved by religion; we are saved by Jesus Christ. Lose your religion and find Jesus.

On the road to Jerusalem, while the Lord again talks about His coming death on their behalf, they bickered about who would be the greatest in God’s kingdom.

Jesus did two significant things on the way. The first was to send 70 disciples ahead to prepare the way for Him. They were to serve people and teach God’s Word. The next was to teach in parables, so those with the desire to believe would understand and others would be confused.

As they got close to the city, Mary, Martha, and their brother, Lazarus, welcomed them for a meal as they often did. But this time, Martha got anxious with the details and told Jesus to tell Mary to help her. Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet. Jesus spoke gently with Martha and said, “Mary has chosen the best part.”

If you’re feeling frustrated and confused like Martha, for goodness’ sake, sit down at Jesus’ feet. Look in His Word and see what He has to say. That’s what Mary did, and Jesus noticed.

1. Jesus frequently put the disciples in a position where the only way forward was for Him to act. Does God ever follow this same pattern with you? Is there anything like that in your life right now?

2.I s it really true that following Jesus is worth every sacrifice? What things in your life could God be asking you to lay aside for His glory?

3. Why do you think the disciples seemed to be so dense when Jesus talked about His coming death and resurrection?

Additional Resources

Listen to Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s complete teachings on Luke 9:1—10:24 and Luke 10:25-42.


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About this Plan

Thru the Bible -- Gospel of Luke

If ever you wondered if Jesus is really human, study Luke’s Gospel. As a doctor, Luke revealed the down-to-earth compassion that pervaded Jesus’ life, revealing Him as God in the flesh. Our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, leads us in seeing how Jesus is the Son of God, our great High Priest, touched with the feelings of our weaknesses, able to extend help, mercy, and love to us.
