Thru the Bible -- Gospel of Lukeಮಾದರಿ

Thru the Bible -- Gospel of Luke

DAY 5 OF 13

More Miracles, Parables, and Disciples

Before you start todays devotional, ask the Lord to use it to grow you up in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As Jesus continued His ministry, many people turned to Him, even some in high places. One time, a centurion asked Jesus to heal his servant.

As one in authority, the soldier knew Jesus could command healing and it would be so. Jesus marveled at his faith. When the centurion got home, his servant was completely restored. From a distance, Jesus healed him the exact hour the centurion asked.

Only from Dr. Luke do we hear of a time when Jesus watched a funeral procession of a young man. The grieving mother, also a widow, followed. When He saw her, Jesus felt deep compassion. So, He touched the dead man and said, “Get up,” and he did!

A holy awe washed over the crowds. Only God could restore life.

Word of what Jesus was doing spread around Israel—even to the prison where John the Baptist sat troubled with doubt. Was Jesus the Messiah? John expected Jesus to establish the Kingdom in all of its glory and power. Since this wasn’t happening, John wondered if Jesus was the One, or should they look for another?

The Lord received John’s messengers, but kept them waiting while He worked miracles. Then He told them to tell John they had seen the credentials of the Messiah. Jesus asked John to trust Him. He asks the same of us today—“Trust Me when you don’t understand.

When Jesus went out to dinner, it was never a dull affair. A Pharisee named Simon asked Jesus over, perhaps to spy on Him.

While they ate, a woman stood by Jesus’ feet and wept. Her tears fell on His feet and she wiped them with her hair. Then she kissed His feet and anointed them with expensive oil. No respectable woman would do this. No honorable man would let her.

When Simon saw it he thought, “Jesus couldn’t be a prophet or He’d know the kind of woman she is.”

But Jesus knew what Simon was thinking, so He told Simon a beautiful parable about forgiveness. One debtor owed a lot; another not as much. They were both forgiven. Who was the most grateful?

“See the woman?” Jesus said. “When I came to your home, you didn’t provide water for my feet, but she washed them with her tears. You didn’t greet Me, but she hasn’t quit kissing me. She was forgiven many sins, and so she’s very grateful. If the forgiveness is minimal, the gratitude is minimal.”

Simon had been a poor host, and he didn’t think he needed forgiveness. So he sat there—an unforgiven sinner. The others in the room whispered, “Who does Jesus think He is—God? Only God can forgive sin.”

Jesus’ ministry was in full swing in Galilee. Daily He’s proving His authority over demons, disease, death, and nature. In every case, Jesus also demonstrated a Savior’s love and compassion.

One day the crowds gathered around Jesus and two people were especially desperate.

The ruler of the synagogue, Jairus, had a dying 12-year-old daughter at home. He thought, "All Jesus needs to do is touch her." Jesus agreed to help but as they went, a woman who had been sick for 12 years touched His robe.

Jesus suddenly turned, “Who touched me?” (8:45). He felt power released. The woman, thinking she could hide, admitted it was her. Jesus had not touched the woman; she touched Him and was healed instantly.

Just then, Jairus got word: “Your daughter is dead. But Jesus said to him, “Trust Me.

When they got to Jairus’ home, the paid mourners had already got to work. They stopped weeping long enough to laugh at Jesus in disbelief. They knew she was dead.

Then the Lord took Jairus and his wife inside with Him to where the little girl lay. He spoke gently to her, “Little lamb, wake up,” and she did! Once again our Lord demonstrated He is God and a compassionate Savior. What a wonderful Lord.

1. It might be a little surprising to see a Roman centurion coming to Jesus. What things might have prevented him from asking Jesus to heal his servant, and why do you think his faith was greater than those obstacles?

2. If John the Baptist could struggle with doubts, then so can we. How can seeing this struggle give us hope?

3. Simon the Pharisee would be an easy person to skip over because he was obviously in the wrong, but what can his actions tell us about our own hearts and actions?

Additional Resources

Listen to Dr. J. Vernon McGee’s complete teachings on Luke 7:1-35 and Luke 7:36—8:56.


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About this Plan

Thru the Bible -- Gospel of Luke

If ever you wondered if Jesus is really human, study Luke’s Gospel. As a doctor, Luke revealed the down-to-earth compassion that pervaded Jesus’ life, revealing Him as God in the flesh. Our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, leads us in seeing how Jesus is the Son of God, our great High Priest, touched with the feelings of our weaknesses, able to extend help, mercy, and love to us.
