Benefits Of Being Justified Through Faithಮಾದರಿ

Benefits Of Being Justified Through Faith

DAY 7 OF 7

The Grace Of God Is Bigger Than Your Sin

“Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.”

Don’t you love this verse? “Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” Or, we could translate it as, “Where sin abounds, grace super abounds.” 

At times, we may feel overwhelmed by our sin, and that can be a good thing. There are times when we should feel our profound brokenness over sin. But we must never stay overwhelmed by our sin because the grace of God is always bigger. However great our sin, God’s grace is greater. Always.

Perhaps there is a particular sin in your past that is especially egregious to you. Perhaps Satan keeps throwing this sin in your face: “Look what you did. That was so horrible! God will never use you again. God will always be upset at you. You’re done, finished!” But Satan is an accuser and a liar. Remind yourself of Romans 5:20: “When sin abounds, grace super abounds.” It is not noble to wallow in your guilt in some sort of penitential self-flagellation as if you could pay for your sin by your guilt. That’s unbelief in God’s love and grace. Unbelief is the fountainhead of all sin.

What is noble and pleasing to God is when we come to God in childlike trust and believe that God is a God of grace, that God’s grace is greater than our sin. The greats of the Bible, men like Moses, David, and Paul, were guilty of grievous sins, even murder. But they believed in God’s grace, and God loved that. 

Where sin abounds, grace super abounds.


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About this Plan

Benefits Of Being Justified Through Faith

The greatest problem for the human being to be at peace with God is sin, and we cannot do anything to solve it. But God in His infinite mercy and love for the world has justified us (made us righteous) in order to be at peace with Him. Hallelujah. In this plan you will know the benefits of this work of grace; enjoy it and enjoy them!
