Benefits Of Being Justified Through Faithಮಾದರಿ

Benefits Of Being Justified Through Faith

DAY 1 OF 7

Grace alone, Faith alone, Christ alone

“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

This was one of the rallying cries of the Reformation in sixteenth-century Europe. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. It is amazing how strongly the book of Romans emphasizes that we are saved by faith, not works. 

The Greek word for faith (and its cognates) is found four times in Romans 1:16-17, nine times in Romans 3:21-31, nine times in Romans 4:1-15, and eight times in Romans 4:16-25. It reappears often, including in this verse, which begins Romans 5. 

Why this incredible emphasis that we are justified (made right with God) by faith and therefore have peace with God? Why is God so emphatic on this matter? I can think of five reasons why God is so emphatic that we are justified by grace.

First, the “earn this” mindset is so rooted in the human heart, and we need the continual reminder that we are saved by faith, not by our efforts or merit. 

Second, the stakes are so high. We are talking about eternity – forever and ever. We must be crystal clear on how we receive salvation: by faith, not works.

Third, because there are difficult passages in the New Testament which seem to suggest that we are saved by works, or baptism, or obedience, or something else, rather than simply receiving the gift of salvation through faith or trust in Christ. Faith is receiving something, not doing something. Why does God include difficult passages? I don’t know. I can guess, but I don’t know. But I do know there are many clear passages that teach salvation by faith, not works. A sound rule of Bible study: the clear passages interpret the unclear passages. 

Fourth, the gospel of grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone counters all human pride. If we are saved by anything we do, then we can take some of the credit. But if Christ did it all and we just receive it, then all glory goes to Christ.

Fifth, God is so emphatic because we need to hear the gospel over and over again. We need the continuous reminder that we get in by grace, not by performance. Jesus paid it all. We simply receive it by faith. Faith plus nothing. 


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About this Plan

Benefits Of Being Justified Through Faith

The greatest problem for the human being to be at peace with God is sin, and we cannot do anything to solve it. But God in His infinite mercy and love for the world has justified us (made us righteous) in order to be at peace with Him. Hallelujah. In this plan you will know the benefits of this work of grace; enjoy it and enjoy them!
