Luke Intro

About Luke's Gospel
Luke was a doctor who was a disciple of Jesus. He was probably not a Jew. #1:0 A Jew was someone who belonged to the Israelite tribe of Judah. The name was first used at the time of their exile in Babylon. The people of Israel who still remain after that time are called Jews. He wrote this book some time between the years AD 59 and AD 80. He wrote it for a friend called Theophilus who was an important person. Luke wanted people to know what was true about Jesus.
Luke tells us the good news about the kingdom of God. That means that God wants to rule in the lives of his people. Those people may be Jews or they may be Gentiles. Luke tells us about Jesus' birth. He also tells us about his life and his death. Luke explains to us why Jesus came to the world and what he did during his life here. Then he tells us how he went back to heaven to live with his Father God again. At the end, Luke explains to us about God's gift of his Holy Spirit. Luke wanted everyone to know what Jesus said and what he did.
Luke also wrote the book of Acts.

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