Mark 16

Chapter 16
Three women discover that Jesus is alive again
1After the day of rest had finished, the women bought some spices. They wanted to mix these with some oil to put on Jesus' body. #16:1 The Jews rested on Saturdays until the sun went down. The women had bought the spices after that, in the evening. The Jews put these spices on a dead body when they buried it. These women were Mary from Magdala, Salome, and Mary the mother of James. 2They went out at dawn on the first day of the week, Sunday. They went to the grave in the rock where Joseph had put Jesus' dead body.
3The women asked each other, ‘Who will roll away the heavy stone for us? It closes the entrance to the grave where they put Jesus' dead body.’
4Then they looked and they saw the stone. It was a very big stone. But someone had already rolled it away from the entrance. 5When the women went into the grave hole, they saw a young man there. He was sitting in there on the right side and he wore bright white clothes. The women were very afraid. #16:5 This young man was an angel.
6The young man said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. You are looking for Jesus from Nazareth. The soldiers killed him on a cross, but he has become alive again. He is not here. Look! You can see the place where the men put him. 7But now you must go to tell his disciples and Peter about this. Tell them, “Jesus is going to Galilee and you must also go there. You will see him there, just as he told you it would happen.” ’ #16:7 Peter had said three times that he did not know Jesus. The angel told Peter that Jesus still wanted him to be his disciple.
8Then the women went out from the grave hole, and they ran away from that place. They were very upset and they had trouble in their minds. Because they were afraid, they did not say anything to anyone.
People who saw Jesus after he became alive again
9[Jesus became alive again early on the first day of the week. He appeared first to Mary from Magdala. Jesus had caused seven bad spirits to leave her. 10She went to the people who had been with Jesus. They were all very sad and they were crying. 11Mary told them that Jesus was alive. And she told them that she had seen him. But they did not believe it.
12After these things had happened, Jesus appeared to two other disciples. They were walking away from Jerusalem to their village. It seemed to them that Jesus was different. 13Those two disciples went and told all the other disciples. But the other disciples did not believe them.
Jesus speaks to the 11 apostles
14After that, Jesus appeared to the 11 apostles while they were eating. He told them that they were wrong not to believe. They should have been ready to believe. People had seen that he was now alive again. But the disciples had not believed them.
15Then Jesus said to them, ‘Go to all people everywhere in the world. Tell God's good news to everyone. 16If a person believes in me, then you should baptize that person. And God will save that person. But if a person does not believe, God will judge that person to be guilty. 17These miracles will happen when people believe in me. On my behalf, they will send bad spirits out of people. They will speak new languages. 18If they pick up a snake, it will not hurt them. If they drink poison, it will not hurt them. They will put their hands on ill people and God will make those people well.’
God takes Jesus up to heaven
19So, after the Lord Jesus had spoken to the disciples, God took him up into heaven. There he sat down at the right side of God.
20The disciples went out everywhere. They told people God's good news. The Lord worked with them. He did powerful things to show that the message which they spoke was true.] #16:20 Not all copies of Mark's Gospel have verses 9-20.

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Mark 16: EASY





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