He Gets Us: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? | Plan 5គំរូ

He Gets Us: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? | Plan 5

ថ្ងៃទី 3 ក្នុងចំណោម 9 ថ្ងៃ

He leads us out of the dark.

If you make a decision in the dark, it often takes you to a darker place. Later in the light of day, you see things more clearly. But in the night—when you’re off balance, frightened, alone, or in bad company—bad decisions can make good sense.

Just think if that decision you most regret making was made public. Imagine the worst thing about you being shared across social media. Feel the shame burning? The embarrassment heating your face?

That’s what was going on with the young woman who the religious leaders threw at Jesus’ feet when he was teaching in the temple (John 8:1-11).

...She was stuck—in the dark. Barely dressed, completely shamed. Her worst kept secret, an affair, was now public gossip. The wrecked woman was a pawn in the wicked plan the leaders were waging against Jesus. They didn’t care about her; they just wanted to trap Jesus. She was collateral damage.

Ironically, this tragic scene happened during a holiday week in September. The Jews were celebrating Sukkot, a time to remember when God rescued them from dark slavery in Egypt. Tradition called for Jerusalem to be lit up like a Christmas tree. Every home and garden in town was decorated with lights. Imagine the brightest and best Christmas lights display and that’s what it looked like across the city for a week. The whole light-fest celebrated when God led them in the wilderness as a cloud by day and with a flame of fire at night. He lit the way through the dark every night for 40 years straight.

Picture it—every night of the festival, Jerusalem glowed against the night sky. The next morning, even while the huge torches were still burning in the courtyard, the religious leaders launched their plot to trap Jesus.

But Jesus saw through their evil plans. Instead of being ambushed, he flipped the script. Turning to the people still listening to him teach, he told them, “I am the Light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t stumble through the darkness anymore. Living light will flood your path.”

Jesus turned the spotlight on who he was and why he came. He said, if you feel alone in this darkness, come to me. The one who said, “Let there be light,” said, “I am the light” and darkness will never extinguish it.

We all have been in a dark place at some time in our lives. We wonder, How did I get here? How can I get out? It feels heavy and hopeless.

If you’re there now, take a good look at Jesus. Notice who he loved in this account. We don’t know her name, but Jesus did. He knew the name of her lover, too, and all about the betrayal and the lies that brought her to this dark place.

Jesus loves the one in the dark. But rather than condemn her for her bad choices or judge her for her crime, he gives her a chance to turn her life around. Perhaps that was the first mercy she’s been shown her whole life.

He said two things all of us need to hear at some point. First, after her accusers left, he showed grace: "Neither do I condemn you." Then, he called her to a new life in his light, "Go, and from now on sin no more."

Step out of the dark, Jesus invited the woman. Turn around, he said. And begin again with me.

The invitation still stands. For anyone who believes Jesus is who he said he was. For anyone with just enough courage to take the first step out of the dark. He promises to light the way for the next step, then the next... to a whole beautiful life up ahead.


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He Gets Us: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? | Plan 5

Everyone has an opinion about Jesus. But who did he claim to be? Did he agree with all the things people said about him? Did he say he was the only way to God? Let’s go directly to the source and look at seven ways Jesus actually told us who he was when he walked among us. It might change what we think about him and that might change everything.
