He Gets Us: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? | Plan 5គំរូ

He Gets Us: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? | Plan 5

ថ្ងៃទី 2 ក្នុងចំណោម 9 ថ្ងៃ

He satisfies us.

Maybe I won’t have enough... We all fear it. Usually it’s about money, but it could also be about time, love, patience, or some other exhaustible resource. If we let it, this fear puts us in a box. It convinces us to hoard everything we have even when we have enough. Because, you know, what if?

Today we meet Jesus on a hillside in Galilee. It’s April a.d. 32. The clock is ticking down. This time next year, Jesus will be on the cross. Today he’s teaching a crowd seated on a slope overlooking a lake (John 6:1-14). Thousands have walked for miles to hear him. Some even farther. Everyone was hungry. Some have never not been hungry.

Maybe with a twinkle in his eye Jesus asked one of his students, “You’re from around here—where can we buy bread to feed these people?”

Philip, the exasperated student said, “A year’s salary wouldn’t be enough to buy bread for each person to get even a bite. We won’t ever have enough.”

With that Jesus tells his students to invite everyone to have a seat at his table. A generous little boy offered Jesus his lunch of some bread and fish—and with that, Jesus multiplied enough to feed five thousand hungry men and their families. And not just a bite—but a feast. Everyone ate till they were satisfied.

What happened? How?

“I am the Bread of Life.” Jesus told his students. More than the miracle of what he did is the miracle of the picture he paints of who he is. “Come to me and you’ll never be hungry again.”

We’re all hungry for something. We’re hungry for more than food and thirsty for more than drink. Even the best relationships and our dreams fulfilled fail to satisfy us completely. When Jesus tells us who he is, he says, I am the one who will satisfy you.

The claims Jesus made about himself transcend time. Which means even today we are invited to take a seat at his table and be filled. That’s what it means to follow Jesus–we believe what he said about himself and then act accordingly.

If you are anxious about not having enough, you can:

1. Ask him: What do you want to give me? How will you satisfy me?

2. Don’t hoard or withhold out of fear. This isn’t a lesson on how to get along with less or live more simply. It’s the opposite—ask Jesus to show you the amazing and full life you were created to live.

3. Turn the hunger into a journey to life. Let your hunger drive you past your wants and to your needs. What you really need is satisfaction, and Jesus said he’ll give it to you.

Jesus invites you to his table.

His food will satisfy every craving.

The meal is already made—you don’t have to work for it.

Your reservation is ready—Jesus has set a place for you.

Come empty; leave full.


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He Gets Us: Who Did Jesus Say He Was? | Plan 5

Everyone has an opinion about Jesus. But who did he claim to be? Did he agree with all the things people said about him? Did he say he was the only way to God? Let’s go directly to the source and look at seven ways Jesus actually told us who he was when he walked among us. It might change what we think about him and that might change everything.
