Bright Lights, Big CitySample

Bright Lights, Big City

DAY 1 OF 21


Have you ever used a night light? Sometimes, we use them out of fear of things we can’t see. Other times, we just don’t want to feel completely swallowed up by the dark. In the very beginning, before God created anything else, God made light, separating the day from the night. In God, there is no darkness at all. Because of that, we can trust that when we turn to God, there is nothing that won’t be brought into the light. Every part of our hearts can be illuminated when we turn them over to the light of God.

Can you recall a time that you found yourself in total darkness? Think about the emotions you felt when faced with the total loss of light. What did you feel when you saw the light again? Can you identify areas in your life that feel like they may still be in the dark? If so, ask God to illuminate them with light this week.


Day 2