Following Jesus in the Gospel of MarkSample

Following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

DAY 22 OF 31


Look Closely: Although the disciples have been traveling with Jesus for a time now, they still have much to learn about the kind of kingdom He is establishing. They argue amongst themselves, debating who is greater, and then turn around and try to discourage ‘others’ not in their small group, who are ministering in Jesus’ name.

Re-read Mark 9:38. What does John’s statement reveal about the perspective and attitude of the disciples at this point of the story? Who or what were they trying to protect? Where else in today’s reading can you see similar motivations? How does the account of Moses and Joshua relate to this perspective?

Jesus responds to the disciples’ misplaced focus by bringing a child into the midst of the conversation. It is easy to misinterpret His point without some ancient cultural context. David Garland writes,

“Jesus does not set up the child as a model to be imitated, for his culture had no romanticized notions about children... The point of comparison is the insignificance of the child on the honor scale. The child had no power, no status, and few rights. A child was dependent, vulnerable, entirely subject to the authority of the father; yet Jesus chooses such a one to represent those who are needy and lowly. If one wants to be great, one should shower attention on those who are regarded as insignificant, as Jesus himself had done. Jesus requires his “great” disciples to show humble service for the humble...When his followers serve those without any status, they receive Jesus and the One who sent him.” - The NIV Application Commentary - Mark, page 367

Jesus wasn’t setting up an exclusive club. Unlike the religious leaders of the day, He challenged His disciples to become true servants and help others do the same. He redefines what it means to be great and instructs them to model life and relationships free from sin and strife.

Challenge: Ask yourself, ‘How can I model true kingdom greatness to others this week?’ and then take action!

Day 21Day 23

About this Plan

Following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

In a world of hostility, corruption, and confusion, a regular guy named Mark wrote his gospel to boldly proclaim that Jesus is THE good news. Mark writes with urgency and purpose, giving you a front-row seat to the Story of Jesus. This plan will help you understand that Story through the teachings, miracles, discipleship, and life of Jesus so that you can follow Jesus as his disciple.
