Following Jesus in the Gospel of MarkSample

Following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

DAY 27 OF 31


Look Closely: Today's reading mainly focuses on future events. As you read, it is likely that many questions will be raised. Questions like, “When will this take place?” or “Who will be on the Earth when this happens?” There are many scholars with varying opinions. But rather than focusing on the questions that may not have clear answers, as you read today, try to make note of what you can know for sure.

-Try to think about the disciples’ perspective. What might they have been thinking as they heard these teachings for the first time?

-What words of comfort and encouragement can be taken from today’s reading?

-What are the instructions that Jesus gives that are timeless?

Spotlight: Tribulation

In a general sense, “tribulation” means intense hardships and suffering. Using that definition, there are many events in history that could be classified this way. What was Jesus speaking of in Mark 13? There are different views. Some believe He was referring to the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, which happened in AD 70. Others believe Jesus was referring to an event that we are still waiting for. Another view holds that Jesus was speaking of both a near and distant future. As we are still waiting for the “Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory," it seems clear that an even greater tribulation will come before our King returns. This would be the great tribulation spoken of in Revelation 7:14. Who will be on earth when these things take place? Will it be us? This is a question that Jesus seems to leave unanswered. Even if we are not the ones who will have to face the great tribulation, it is possible that we could experience other intense hardships or persecution. Either way, the call of Jesus to be alert applies. “Stay Awake!”

Challenge: Take time to journal on these questions: “What qualities would I need to remain faithful in tribulation or persecution?” and “How do I know that I’m ready for the return of Christ?”

Pause to Pray: Lord Jesus, as I read about the challenge to be bold, to trust Your Holy Spirit to give the right words, and the challenges to endure and to be watchful, I cannot help but wonder if I would be able to stand strong. But God, my desire is to be Your faithful servant no matter what. I trust my life into Your hands. I trust You to be strong in me, even when I am weak. Amen.


Day 26Day 28

About this Plan

Following Jesus in the Gospel of Mark

In a world of hostility, corruption, and confusion, a regular guy named Mark wrote his gospel to boldly proclaim that Jesus is THE good news. Mark writes with urgency and purpose, giving you a front-row seat to the Story of Jesus. This plan will help you understand that Story through the teachings, miracles, discipleship, and life of Jesus so that you can follow Jesus as his disciple.
