5 Days to a Value Driven LifeSample

5 Days to a Value Driven Life

DAY 4 OF 5

How will I use boundaries to guard these new behaviors, and ultimately, what I value?

Once you identify values that are rooted in your new life in Christ, you can begin the work of guarding those values with healthy boundaries. To some, this may feel selfish, unloving, or unkind. But let me assure you, boundaries are biblical!

Establishing healthy limits will allow you an opportunity to both reinforce what you value, and the new behaviors, systems, and habits now built around that value.

Take for example a value you hold around spending quality time with your children. You may reflect to see that in the past you allowed screen time to interfere with your evenings together. You can now set a boundary around screen time and begin to establish new rhythms in the home that reinforce the value of quality time together.

This may look like:

  • Putting cell phones away at a predetermined time each afternoon.
  • Adding in a family devotional to discuss during dinner time.
  • Implementing “family movie night” on Fridays, and replacing daily TV time with doing a puzzle together instead.
  • Slowing down at bedtime to pray for each other and connect.

Spend some time now identifying a core value. Then, take some time to implement one small habit each day that reflects the importance of that value. Finally, establish a healthy boundary that will guard both the new habit and the core value. I get it, this process sounds simple, but perhaps that is what makes it so difficult to do. It will feel hard at first, until it is no longer something you do, but a reflection of who you are.

Sometimes, those closest to you may not value what you do. You may feel judged, left out, or even teased for putting first what others put last. Expect that over time, as you learn to value what God values, your close relationships may change. Be diligent as to not be conformed to this world (Rom 12:2). Trust that God will bless you through standing faithful in your season of discomfort.

“Seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matt. 6:33).

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

5 Days to a Value Driven Life

Core values are the foundation of life—shaping your thoughts, emotions, and actions. If you don’t know your values, you risk acquiring others’ beliefs and behaviors. Identify your core values, and take steps towards fostering healthy habits that reflect your new identity in Christ. Begin to positively impact others, and write a purposeful legacy in this five-day reading plan adapted from Loyal to a Fault by Courtney J. Burg.
