5 Days to a Value Driven LifeSample

5 Days to a Value Driven Life

DAY 1 OF 5

Who am I?

When you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior, you become a new creation. One of the byproducts of being transformed, nurtured, and sustained by God’s Spirit is a deeply woven value system that is not of this world. When you harness these new values, you can begin to live a life driven by the security and confidence that is affirmed in Luke 6:48, one that is unshakeable and built on solid rock.

Living a life worthy of the one God has designed for you begins first by clinging to who God says you are and not to the ideals, standards, or expectations of the world. Your new identity means you have been welcomed into God’s family and are a part of a royal priesthood, sharing in the inheritance of Christ and the blessings of eternal life. You are now set apart by Him to do good works that he has prepared for you to do (Eph. 2:10). The person you once were, who lived ashamed, unforgiven, unloved, or uncertain, is no longer.

You may think, Well right now, I don’t really feel forgiven, set apart, or loved. But the good news is, how you feel about yourself at any given moment doesn’t change how God feels about you. In those moments when you begin to feel incapable or ill-equipped, remember He hears your cries for help. When you are making necessary changes in your life, the process can be challenging and even painful. Sometimes toxic or dysfunctional patterns try to stick, and the possibility for lasting change seems out of reach. Remember that God has something better for you planned. Having accepted Christ, you are a new being. God has renewed you and will continue to renew you each day. With God’s help, you are capable of creating a life built around values that matter most.

Day 2

About this Plan

5 Days to a Value Driven Life

Core values are the foundation of life—shaping your thoughts, emotions, and actions. If you don’t know your values, you risk acquiring others’ beliefs and behaviors. Identify your core values, and take steps towards fostering healthy habits that reflect your new identity in Christ. Begin to positively impact others, and write a purposeful legacy in this five-day reading plan adapted from Loyal to a Fault by Courtney J. Burg.
