Paddling Into the BombSample

Paddling Into the Bomb

DAY 5 OF 5

Exit With The Spit!

Focus verses: Mark 16:1–8

If you’ve studied Mark before, you’ll probably know that originally this chapter only included the first eight verses and had an abrupt ending. Verses 9–20 seem to have been added later. While they are good to read, I like the idea of Mark leaving us with a shock ending at verse 8.

There are two things to note in the final chapter of this plan, as you ponder the closing passage of the Gospel of Mark.

One, it was a non-Jew (a Roman soldier Mark 15:39) who first declared who Jesus really is in the previous chapter. This shows that the message of Jesus is for everyone, everywhere. It’s no longer for a specific group. Thousands of years later, it’s for you and me… and everyone around us.

Two, it was non-men (women) who first discovered that He is no longer dead, continuing the theme that Jesus is with those who are often overlooked or hold no power. He came to bring us into relationship with God, whether we’re male or female, rich or poor, powerful or powerless. He has a special place in His heart for the downtrodden.

Mark leaves us with an open-ended account that demands a response. What are you going to do with the reality of an empty tomb? It changes everything.

All the jigsaw pieces of the old covenant and the claims Jesus made about Himself have now completed the picture. God’s rescue plan for humanity and planet earth is complete. Jesus has landed the drop, set His line, wrestled the foam ball and exited the barrel with the spit. It’s the ultimate victory of defeating death itself.

The book of Acts and the rest of the New Testament describe our role in implementing this rescue plan. What’s more, Jesus has given us His Spirit to put the fuel into our tanks and to give us the certainty of His presence.

Pray and act

What will you do with the reality of the empty tomb? How does it change the way you live your life?

Pray: Thank you Jesus for your ultimate victory – both cosmically, and for me in my life. Fill me with your Spirit today, so that all may see your power in my life… and give God the glory.

About the author:

I’m Dave Kemeny from Christian Surfers UK.

I grew up on the northern beaches of Sydney and became a Jesus follower at age six. I moved to Wales in my mid 20s, where I’m now a paramedic with the Welsh Ambulance Service. My wife Sharon and I have three sons and two grandsons. I’m on the leadership team of our local church and surf regularly at our local breaks.

Thanks for joining me for this YouVersion plan!

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Day 4

About this Plan

Paddling Into the Bomb

Mark was a teenager when Jesus was in Jerusalem and Mark’s Gospel is filled with inside info from those who knew Jesus personally. Think of how you gain information before surfing a new wave. Chances are, you asked locals who've been surfing there for years. So jump into the bomb of the day with Christian Surfers UK’s Dave Kemeny to explore Jesus’ life… and what it means for you.
