Paddling Into the BombSample

Paddling Into the Bomb

DAY 4 OF 5

Wrestle The Foam Ball

Focus verses: Mark 15:22–39

I’ve often thought that the description of Jesus’ last hours before His death as “The Passion” was a strange one.

Mel Gibson’s film is a case in point. How can something so bloody, cruel, and agonising constitute “passion”?

But the more I think of it, the more it seems to fit.

The key is to look at Jesus’ motivation for willingly submitting to the ordeal to pay our ransom. The depths of His love for us and His obedience to the Father’s will are what motivated Him. He even refused the pain relief offered to Him (Mark 15:23) perhaps to keep His mind clear.

After landing the drop, and setting His line, Jesus chose to wrestle the foam ball. There was no easy way out to what He did in redeeming us from our sins.

Similarly, as a young Christian, I used to wonder what’s so good about Good Friday? The answer to that is found in Hebrews 12:2: “Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honour beside God’s throne.” He could see the reward for His sacrifice, and that reward includes us in relationship with Him for eternity!

As you read the harrowing account of what it cost Him, let it lead you into gratitude, praise and love for Him. Get into the habit of gratitude.

As a teenager back in Australia, I surfed with an older guy who had the habit of stopping at the waterline to pray before paddling out. It’s a habit I’ve tried to continue, and I use the opportunity to remember with gratitude. It changes my attitude to surfing, and my attitude to life. I owe it all to Him.

When Jesus broke bread with His disciples in His final meal, He set in place a lasting practice for us all to remember His sacrifice.

So, what habits can you build to help you remember His sacrifice… and live with gratitude, even when you’re wrestling the foam ball?

Pray and act

Think back to the last time in your life when you felt stuck in the foam, battling to stay above water. What got you through?

Pray: Lord, my words seem inadequate to express my gratitude for your sacrifice, but you know my heart. Thank you. Give me humility and gratitude as I step into what you want for me… life in all its fullness. Help me to live to the max and wrestle the foam ball for you.


Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Paddling Into the Bomb

Mark was a teenager when Jesus was in Jerusalem and Mark’s Gospel is filled with inside info from those who knew Jesus personally. Think of how you gain information before surfing a new wave. Chances are, you asked locals who've been surfing there for years. So jump into the bomb of the day with Christian Surfers UK’s Dave Kemeny to explore Jesus’ life… and what it means for you.
