The Word Works in MarriageSample

The Word Works in Marriage

DAY 5 OF 7

Kingdom Order

Isaiah 40:31 “I am one of those that hope in the Lord my God, and He will renew my strength. I will soar on wings like eagles; I will run and not grow weary; I will walk and not be faint. (What do you want to make bold?)

As you read this passage, doesn’t it seem strange that the word goes from soaring on eagles' wings to running and then to walking? I thought you had to learn to walk before you could run.

In the Kingdom of God, this isn’t out of order at all. We must first recognize and embrace that we soar on the wings of Christ Jesus.

These are the first steps we take to receive the mystery of being in Christ and His power working through us. Remember the scripture that says we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us? It is impossible to have wings like eagles and soar in the heavens, right?

Soar is simply a metaphor or an example to explain how magnificent it truly is to be in Christ and to have His power flow through you. You feel as if you are soaring because you are in Christ! Now we can see that “soaring“ must come before running or walking because for things to be in the right order, we must choose to rely on Him to carry us before we run or walk!

Order is very important in everything we do. There is an order to the Kingdom of God and order in marriage, family, and business.

As we read the Bible, it can often feel overcomplicated and sometimes out of order. As we get to know the nature and character of God, His ways are different than ours, and His ways are His perfect order.

Today I want you to see that God wants to order your steps, your marriage, your home, and all for the ultimate purpose of His Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.


Today I choose to unhook from the world’s way of strengthening myself. I choose to elevate Him and His way over my ways. Because I am a child of God, I have access to the power of Jesus Christ, and the word of God states that I have inheritance rights as His child. Today I chose to look at myself and others through Jesus’ eyes. When I choose to soar in Christ, I am fully connected to His Kingdom resources and become fully alive in Christ Jesus.

Action Step

Call or text your spouse, a friend, family, or person at your church and encourage them with a scripture. When we choose to encourage others, we are sowing spiritual seeds into our own field that will grow and multiply far beyond our wildest dreams.

Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

The Word Works in Marriage

The Word of God is the most incredible resource and investment for married couples navigating the speed of life. Marriage is our opportunity to reflect on the relationship between Jesus and His bride, the Church. When couples intentionally desire to invest in their marriage, the greatest textbook is the Word of God. A FULLY CONNECTED marriage loves and lives the Word of God in practical ways every day.
