Paul: Past, Present, and Your Life’s PurposeSample

Paul: Past, Present, and Your Life’s Purpose

DAY 2 OF 7

Where Are Your Passions?

Have you ever had your passions misdirected? Were you so sure and passionate about something only to later learn that you were wrong all along? You might’ve felt like everything was for nothing. But in the Christian life, this isn’t the truth. Our work is never for nothing. When God brings us from death to life, He uses all of our past for His glory and our good. We get to see how He had been orchestrating and pulling us in all along. That was the case for Paul, who was previously known as Saul. Paul had a past that he was not proud of, as he once breathed out murders and threats against the believers in Christ. However, God transformed him, and he became one of the greatest apostles of all time.

As we reflect on Paul’s story, let us remember that our passions can be misdirected, but the goal is that they aren’t. The Lord allows us to be passionate, but it requires real heart work to ensure our passions are in the right place. Being passionate about our work, family, hobbies, and even our marriage and children is important. However, our ultimate passion should be Jesus Christ. It is not a matter of loving our family less but rather loving Jesus more.

C. S. Lewis once said, ”Put first things first, and you’ll get second things thrown in. Put second things first, and you’ll lose both of them.” In the same way, Jesus taught us to “Seek first his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” It is easy to become misdirected in our passions and to idolize our children, work, hobbies, convenience, money, and growth. But, if we seek God’s kingdom and righteousness first, all these things will fall into place. Our passions will align with God’s will and purpose for our lives.

So, my friend, let us not live with misdirected passion. Let us put first things first and seek God’s kingdom and righteousness above all else. As we do so, our passions will be transformed and directed toward what truly matters. We then, like Paul, will be able to use our God-given gifts, not for ourselves, but for His kingdom and His purposes. We, too can be used by God to do amazing things that will last for eternity. Where are your passions? Have you laid them before the Lord to make sure they are where they need to be? Lay them before Him today.

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About this Plan

Paul: Past, Present, and Your Life’s Purpose

Paul’s past was filled with misdirected passion. But when God showed up, Paul was radically changed. God forgave Paul for his past sins and then used him to be one of the greatest Christians in the history of the faith. If God forgave Paul, He can forgive anyone and give them purpose. Paul changed the world because he allowed God to change him.
