Paul: Past, Present, and Your Life’s PurposeSample

Paul: Past, Present, and Your Life’s Purpose

DAY 1 OF 7

Only God

Have you ever stopped to consider your incredible journey in Christ, from your past mistakes to the purpose-filled life you lead today? In his letter to the Galatians, Paul reflects on the journey that the Lord has taken him on. As we read through this devotional, Paul provides a powerful example of how we can embrace our past, present, and purpose in life.

Paul’s reflections remind us of God’s transformative power and the importance of living our lives with meaning and purpose. Paul acknowledges that we have all made mistakes and done things we are not proud of and wish we could undo. Yet we can embrace our past. Instead of dwelling on his past mistakes, Paul focuses on the transformation God has made in his life. He reminds us that regardless of our past mistakes, God is willing to forgive and transform us. Paul’s past was far from perfect. He was once a persecutor of Christians and was even present when Stephen was stoned to death. Paul's life was forever changed through his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. He went from persecuting Christians to becoming one of the most influential apostles of the early church.

But we cannot just stay in our past; we must embrace our present. Paul emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment and making the most of the opportunities God gives us. He reminds us that God has a purpose for our lives. Our past mistakes or shortcomings do not limit that purpose. It is easy to get caught up in the past and allow our mistakes to define us. However, Paul reminds us that our present moment is what matters. We have the opportunity today to make a difference, serve God, and fulfill our purpose.

Though our past is filled with mistakes, our present and our purpose keeps us going. Paul’s purpose was clear – to spread the good news to the Gentiles. Despite opposition, persecution, and imprisonment, Paul never wavered from his purpose. He remained steadfast in his mission, knowing that God had called him and would sustain him.

Take some time today to reflect on your past, present, and purpose. Ask God to reveal His plan for your life and give you the strength and courage to fulfill it. You don’t have to be held down by your guilt and shame, know that Jesus paid for that on the cross. You are free.


Day 2

About this Plan

Paul: Past, Present, and Your Life’s Purpose

Paul’s past was filled with misdirected passion. But when God showed up, Paul was radically changed. God forgave Paul for his past sins and then used him to be one of the greatest Christians in the history of the faith. If God forgave Paul, He can forgive anyone and give them purpose. Paul changed the world because he allowed God to change him.
