

DAY 3 OF 7

Day 3: What’s My Filter?

Today, on day 3, we’re talking about filters! Filters are necessary if we’re to make good decisions about whom we trust and what we do. What are your filters?

If we don’t have filters of any kind, we will believe everything we hear. From things said on TV and in movies to what we read and hear on the radio, we will internalize it and, inevitably, it will become part of our belief system.

The Bible talks extensively about our belief system and how it is shaped. In Romans 12:2, we are told not to conform to the world but to be transformed by the renewal of our mind. If we are renewing our mind, that renewal will be a continuous process.

Again, in Colossians 2:8, we are warned to not be taken captive by the deceit and philosophy of anyone who is not Christ. Plenty of deceit, false philosophy, and deception exists in the world—some of it is from the enemy, and some of it may be from foolishness! If we’re not prepared to filter it through God’s Word, we are sure to fall victim to it like so many others have.

In Proverbs 30:5, we are told that EVERY WORD of the Lord is pure and that He is a shield to those who trust in Him! We can trust in Him and His Word, and He will shield us from the deception around us.

What shapes your belief system? What are your filters? We must root ourselves in the Word of God and, just as Proverbs 30:5 suggests, use it as our shield to deflect the deception and falsehoods that are all around us. We must examine our beliefs to determine their origin and make adjustments if they don't align with biblical truth.

Day 2Day 4