

DAY 2 OF 7

Day 2: Whom Should I Trust?

Today, we’re discussing whom we can trust and identifying the voices that compete for our trust.

Luke 6:45 starts to get us on track. The English Standard Version puts it this way: “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”

When someone is speaking good out of the abundance of their heart, pay attention! And when they’re speaking evil, be hesitant to trust them.

In John 10:4-6, Jesus tells a parable about the one voice we should always trust. His voice—the voice of the Good Shepherd. Additionally, we are told that His sheep (us) will not follow a stranger’s voice but instead run away from it.

In this parable, I believe the voice of the stranger is the voice of our enemy. We must discern whose voice we are believing and whose voice we are following. If we’re not following the Good Shepherd’s, we are being led to destruction. We can be sure that God’s voice sounds like his written word. If we are tempted to listen to a voice that does not align with scripture it is surely attempting to lead us into something that will result in unnecessary pain. Pain is unavoidable but there is some pain that we experience that is unnecessary and can be avoided if we will listen to God’s voice and those whose voices echo his.

To add to this point, Jesus gives us a model prayer in Luke 11. In verse 4, we see Him ask to not be led into temptation. This is exactly where the enemy wants to take us and why we should avoid his voice at all costs. He knows our fleshly desires and how to make us stumble, but when we follow our Good Shepherd, we can trust in Him to protect us.

What voice are you listening to? How well are you able to discern the voices that call out to you?

Day 1Day 3