Praying Like a LeaderSample

Praying Like a Leader

DAY 3 OF 3

An Anointing To Match Your Assignment

When you hear the word “anointing,” your mind may go to King David, who was anointed by Samuel to reign over Israel. Or maybe you think of your favorite preacher. But being a good communicator doesn’t necessarily mean you’re anointed, and being anointed doesn’t always mean your job requires a microphone; In other words, an anointing isn’t something reserved only for preachers, pastors, and Old Testament kings.

We all need an anointing to match our assignment, whether it’s leading an organization or leading the next generation.

In Psalm 23, David paints a picture of the Lord being our shepherd. He explains how God leads us and guides us, just as a shepherd leads his sheep, and then he says, “You anoint my head with oil.” As a former shepherd himself, David knew all about caring for sheep, so these words carried a different weight for him than they carry for us today. So what did he mean by that phrase?

Sheep are often antagonized by insects. Tiny flies can actually make their way into the sheep’s brain and can cause infections that lead to blindness and even death.

A good shepherd knows the antidote to these tiny bugs that cause big problems. It’s an ointment that, when applied to the sheep’s head, helps protect them from the flies. This isn’t something the sheep require one time — this is a process that must be repeated, sometimes daily.

So it is with us as leaders. We need a continual anointing of God’s Spirit — not to counteract flies, but to counteract the lies that threaten to invade our minds every day. You have a real enemy who would love to derail your leadership (and your life), and just like the flies, the battle often wages in your head. The things that trouble us often begin in our brain — and the devil’s attacks may not leave you physically blind, like the insects with the sheep, but they can certainly leave you spiritually blind.

When we ask God to anoint us, we’re asking Him to protect our minds so we can pursue our callings with clarity. We’re asking Him to help us counteract the temptations of this life with the truth of His unchanging Word. We’re asking Him to protect us from the inside out so we can produce things like peace, contentment, and joy in a world filled with stress, greed, and anger.

Ask God to give you an anointing each day to match your assignment. Ask Him to anoint you for the conversations, opportunities, and trials you’ll navigate.

There’s nothing magical about praying for wisdom, favor, and anointing. But there is something special about assuming the posture of humility. And there’s something remarkable about being disciplined in your desires and faithful in your field. So don’t be surprised if you ask for all these things in God’s name (John 14:13-14) and you find yourself in the middle of miracles.


Day 2

About this Plan

Praying Like a Leader

Managing people is challenging whether you’re running a business, serving your family, or leading a small group. We read leadership books and listen to podcasts in hopes of feeling more qualified for the job set before us, but are we searching for the right things? Join us as we explore three of the most important things we can seek to grow in as leaders.
