Praying Like a LeaderSample

Praying Like a Leader

DAY 2 OF 3

The Faithfulness That Leads To Favor

If you scan the pages of your Bible and study the people within it who saved nations and changed the course of history, you’ll discover many of them had something in common. It wasn’t fame (although we still know who they are today), fortune, or followers.

They found favor.

Noah played a key role in saving the human race when he found favor in the sight of the Lord (Genesis 6:5-8). Moses found favor in God’s eyes, which he desperately needed to lead a nation of stubborn people (Exodus 33:12-17). When the angel of the Lord told Mary she would carry God’s Son, it was because she had found favor with God (Luke 1:26-31).

Joseph (Genesis 39:4), Esther (Esther 2:15-16), and Daniel (Daniel 1:9) all found favor with key leaders (who should have ignored them at best or killed them at worst) because of the favor they found first in God. Even Jesus grew in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52).

So, what is the favor of God, and how do we find it in our day-to-day life?

While scripture doesn’t give us an exact definition, it’s evident in every case where it’s mentioned that while it may be intangible, it’s definitely undeniable. Some define it as God’s “demonstrated delight” in us. When you ask for God’s favor, you’re asking for more of His presence in your life so He can work in you and through you for your good and His glory in ways you could never imagine.

Don’t get it twisted: The favor of God can’t be confused with favors from God. Chances are you’ll be disappointed if you think this prayer will result in better parking spaces and bigger paychecks (although it could). The favor of God can also complicate your life because it’s not always convenient.

The Bible says all those people found favor, but in a lot of ways, favor found them. We can’t produce God’s presence, but we can be positioned for it through humility and faithfulness. In the same way, we must actively seek wisdom, we must assume the posture for God’s hand to rest on us. When you’re faithful, favor will find you; if you follow Jesus, favor will follow you (Psalm 23:6).

If you want to lead in such a way that it leaves a mark on the pages of history, ask God for favor every morning and then ask Him to open your eyes to see it when it comes. Ask Him to help you recognize His favor when it shows up dressed like frustration, fear, or even failure.

It’s easy to forget favor in a world striving for success, but God’s Word makes this clear — it’s the secret sauce to leaving a legacy. Pursuing God’s favor this week may look like asking for forgiveness, standing firm in your beliefs, or being more faithful in the little things. Don’t just pray for favor — live and lead in such a way that favor finds you.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Praying Like a Leader

Managing people is challenging whether you’re running a business, serving your family, or leading a small group. We read leadership books and listen to podcasts in hopes of feeling more qualified for the job set before us, but are we searching for the right things? Join us as we explore three of the most important things we can seek to grow in as leaders.
