Follow MeSample

Follow Me

DAY 7 OF 7

Come and See

Philip went to find Nathanael. He said to him, “We’ve found the very person that Moses and the prophets wrote about. His name is Jesus. He’s the son of Joseph of Nazareth.”

What does Nathanael say? He asks, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Sounds like Jesus came from a dodgy neighborhood. What could you expect from someone like that? Nathanael is ready to write him off, but Philip says, “Come and see for yourself.” If you want to know whether Jesus is the Messiah, you’ve got to come, see, and experience Him for yourself.

Philip and Nathanael walk toward Jesus. As they approached him, Jesus said Nathanael was “a genuine son of Israel.” He is a man of complete integrity. What Jesus said about Nathaniel is something we should want Jesus to say about us. When He looks at me, is he saying, “Ryan, you’re a man of integrity,” or is He saying, “I love you, but dude, your spiritual life is a mess?”

Is your life about yourself, or about Jesus? Do you go about your life, serving Jesus at church, and then when you’re out of there, you’re all about the world? Are you double-minded? Do you know what Jesus said about that? That if you are not hot or cold, but lukewarm, God will spit you out of His mouth (Revelation 3:16). He also said, in another place, that whoever is not with Him, is against Him. You need to make a choice. You can’t be double-minded.

Nathanael asked Jesus, “How do you know about me?” Jesus said, “I could see you under the fig tree, before Philip called you.” Nathanael was amazed. He said, “You are the Son of God, the King of Israel.” Then Jesus promised Nathanael that he would see far greater things than that. Heaven would open. Angels of God would ascend and descend on the Son of Man.’” He’s telling Nathanael, “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

Jesus saw Nathanael, a man of integrity who wanted to know his Messiah. If you seek Jesus, He will find you. My life verse, 2 Chronicles 16:9, says that the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen whose hearts are fully committed to Him. Are you fully committed to Jesus? Are you on fire for Him? That’s what you have to decide.

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Day 6

About this Plan

Follow Me

This plan, based on John 1, focuses on the start of Jesus’ ministry and how disciples began to follow Him. Andrew, Peter, Philip and Nathanael teach us what it means to be Jesus’ disciple. Their actions give us an example for our own spiritual walk.
