The Spirit of ExcellenceSample

The Spirit of Excellence

DAY 3 OF 3



We have previously learned that building good character is a good foundation for success in life. Even though the measure of success is relative to everyone, success could be felt when we are relating with others. People respond to rendered attitudes and services. God's people are called to be the light and salt of the earth. We could see the characters of God’s people from their fruits of the Spirit which include love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal 5:22-23).

None of us is perfect yet. God allows us to go through trials and tests or problems in life so that we can develop our spiritual life, have better characters and become more like Him. Our God is not a mediocre God. He is an excellent God in all aspects of life. Excellent means very good, superb, outstanding, magnificent, of high quality, admirable, worthy, and of the highest standard. The world is watching as we strive for excellence and do our best in order to be the best testimony for our magnificent God. 

Striving for excellence means we should not give up when we make mistakes or avoid tasks for the fear of failure. We can learn from Joseph’s life journey. Despite his circumstances, Joseph strived for excellence and godliness. Our lives will be more successful if we follow Joseph’s example and acquire his character traits


1. As a Brother 

As a seventeen-year-old young man, Joseph might have had not developed greatness, wisdom, and self-control yet. His undisciplined mouth may create an unpleasant feeling toward his brothers and father. Despite this situation, Joseph did not avoid nor lose his readiness to serve his brothers and his father (Gen 37:13-14). 

It took Joseph around 13 years through twists and turns of events before he could get the chance to meet his brothers again in Egypt as a man with high authority and honor. Instead of retaliating and having ill feelings, Joseph chose to be an excellent brother and served his brothers with beautiful Christ-like love and kindness. Joseph realized that God allowed him to go through all those trials and tests to prepare him for a bigger purpose and greatness. (Gen 45:5-8)

2. As a Slave

When he was sold as a slave, Joseph had the option to become bitter and resentful like the rest of the world. However, he chose to fear God and became a godly man. 

A godly man who loves God knows his priorities. One of these priorities is to work well and to render excellent service in everything he does as if he does it for the Lord (Col 3:23). God delights in such faithful people and favors them.

Potiphar took notice of Joseph’s spirit of excellence. It is rather extraordinary for a lowly slave to be entrusted with such power and authority over his master's household. As a slave, Joseph chose to serve his master excellently because of the great living God who was with him (Gen39:2-4).

3. As a Prisoner 

Joseph’s fear of God bore the fruits of Spirit, which was clearly shown in the incident with Potiphar’s wife's. Joseph refused Potiphar's wife invitation on the grounds that it would be an offense against God. This showed his willingness to trust God wholeheartedly and to live in holiness and righteousness even though he was faced with the consequences of long imprisonment.  

The spirit of excellence and godliness is an integral part of Joseph's life. The hand of God was in every affair of his life. Therefore, Joseph received mercy and favors from the Lord and men, even when he was in jail. (Gen 39:21-23)

Often God allows us to go through the valley of life so that He could prepare us for bigger tasks ahead. 

4. As a Prime Minister 

1 Pet 5:5-6 tells us that in due time, God will exalt godly people when they humble themselves and present their lives as a living testimony. 

Joseph was promoted from a prisoner in jail to a prime minister that served Pharaoh, Egyptians, his family, and his people because of his humility and patience. He used the talents that God had entrusted to him to glorify the Lord and to serve those in need (Gen 41:16).

Holy Spirit taught and guided Joseph to grow in wisdom and understanding (Isa 11:2, Prov2:5-9).  Isa 11:2 "The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord."

5. As a Servant of God 

Joseph was aware that God is a great God. His promises never fail. Therefore, rather than wasting his time to dwell in sorrows and hatred or complaining when things turned to the worst, he chose to use his time to get closer to God and to worship Him in spirit and truth. 

Just like Christ, Joseph chose to serve the Lord faithfully as a servant of God and to offer his life as a living and pleasing offering to the Lord. Joseph used the talents entrusted to him well. Therefore, what is written in Matthew 25:23 "His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord" was fulfilled in Joseph's life.


The life of Joseph is a series of choices and decisions. In each aspect of his life, whether in the valley or in the mountain's peak, Joseph chose to be humble. He decided to give his best and served the Lord, his people, his master, the household, the keeper, the prisoners, the king, and the community with all his heart.  When the opportunity arose, he shared the greatness of the Lord with boldness.

Every believer is called to serve the Lord and his generation with all heart and might. When we are faithful in small matters, God will entrust us with bigger things and open new opportunities. His plans are the plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future.

Just like Joseph, we need to make choices and decisions. We need to make the right choices and decisions to be successful. All born-again believers who have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit have the power of Christ through Holy Spirit. Train yourself to live in His characters. Bear the fruit of the Spirit. Emanuel, God is with us.

Praise the Lord!


1. Joseph retained his faith in God even though he suffered greatly at the hands of his brothers and Potiphar. What can we do to develop such faith?

2. After all things that his brothers had done to him, Joseph freely forgave them. What can we do in our home and community to foster similar humility and love? How can we, like Joseph, love others in a Christ-like manner? 

3. What other attributes of Joseph we can learn from him? How can we follow his example to live just like Christ in every aspect of life?

Ask the Lord today to help you walk excellently before Him in your family, marketplace, and ministry so that you will be more effective and reap more success. 

The world is watching and waiting. They need to see and hear about the greatness of our God.


Day 2

About this Plan

The Spirit of Excellence

This plan will encourage us to have the spirit of excellence in our life. This devotional will also give the example of the spirit of excellence from the life of Daniel and Joseph.
