The Spirit of ExcellenceSample

The Spirit of Excellence

DAY 1 OF 3



The secret of Moses' success was because he wanted to give his life to be led by the Spirit of God, and Joshua who was Moses’ assistant at that time, witnessed the daily life of Moses. When Moses learned that he would not reach the Promised Land, he gave the leadership baton to Joshua. What Moses did was, he prayed for Joshua and imparted the Excellent Spirit to Joshua, as Deuteronomy 34: 9 says.

A person who wants to develop an excellent spirit in his life is one who wants to give his life to be led by the Spirit of God.

The Apostle Paul said in Galatians 5:25 - If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit, and in Romans 8:14 - For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

What about us believers, how do we get that Excellent Spirit? In fact, each of us who have been born again, accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, have the Excellent Spirit.

However, the most important is how this Excellent Spirit works in us to bear fruits and be an impact on others.


We will discuss how to always be led by The Excellent Spirit of God

1. FAITH (Numbers 14:6-7)

One time Moses sent twelve men to spy out the land of Canaan. Ten of them reported that it is better to retreat because of the fact that the people of Canaan were like giants. In contrast to the reports, the other two spies, Joshua and Caleb, presented the facts, but as believers to God, they believed that God is able to help and give victory to Israel and to return the land of Canaan to them as their possession.

Therefore, if we are to be led by the Excellence Spirit, we must believe by faith that the power of God is able. We must believe that the Spirit in us is greater than any power in the world.

Do not depend on feelings or emotions that can go up and down, because faith is not a feeling. But faith is to believe, to surrender everything to God, and then take action. Keep on believing though we have not yet seen with our physical eyes.

Faith can be built or strengthened when we hear the Word of God (Romans 10:17). When we are obedient to God's Word, the Spirit of God will lead us and enable us to be the doers of His Word.

2. INTEGRITY (Joshua 1:7)

Time and again the Lord spoke to Joshua: "Be strong and courageous…"

Firstly, integrity speaks of courage. Leading a great nation at that time was not easy. Furthermore, they had no experience whatsoever in the matter of war, while the people of the land of Canaan already had advanced weapons and trained armies. In human eyes, Israel would surely lose. However, Joshua was reminded by God to take good courage. Be courageous, so we do not easily give up.

Secondly, integrity also speaks of the purity of the heart (Acts 24:16). The apostle Paul kept his heart pure before God and men. What is in our mind and heart should be the same as what we say. Purity of heart is our motivation to do everything sincerely and honestly. When we want to be a person of integrity, the Holy Spirit will work in us. Yes, God loves people of integrity. Look at Paul, God made him successful in preaching the gospel all the way to Asia Minor, Antioch.

Expertise or skills can be learned, but integrity is diligence through the process. God certainly lifts us up if we work with integrity. A man of integrity is a man who can take accountability for whatever he has done.

3. FAITHFULNESS (Joshua 24:20)

After Joshua succeeded in leading the people of Israel into the Promised Land promised to Abraham, the father of Israel, he gave a speech to the Israelites. In his speech, Joshua warned them on what would happen if they forsook the God who had led their journey. Then Joshua declared that he and his family would remain faithful to the living God.

There are times people want to believe in the Lord because they are in a difficult situation. However, after being restored and blessed, their heart begins to move away from God and leave God.

Why are people today, find it hard to be faithful? Because people are constantly looking for new things in order to satisfy their hearts. Know that only God can satisfy our hearts. Not money, possessions, nor position.

If we are working in a company and there is a problem, do not rush to flee. Let’s try to pray earnestly. Who knows, God wants us to stay there so that we become an impact on that place.

Sometimes, the Excellent Spirit leads us to an uncomfortable situation because that's where the wonderful Spirit wants to work together with us, that is when we are faithful.

In following the Lord, we need to be faithful, as Jesus Christ is faithful to us. A person who is faithful to God in all circumstances will make the Excellent Spirit works mightily. There is an idea from Heaven that will be revealed. 


• Let's make a decision to draw closer to God. Remember, that the Excellent Spirit belongs to God. And we, who have believed and been born again, we have the Excellent Spirit.

• Our part is to have faith in the Word of God, keeping our hearts pure and faithful to God. Then, the Spirit of God will lead our lives and enable us to be excellent in every work or ministry.

• Let our lives be an impact on many people, that they may see the work of God in our lives and glorify the Name of the Father in Heaven. Amen!


Day 2

About this Plan

The Spirit of Excellence

This plan will encourage us to have the spirit of excellence in our life. This devotional will also give the example of the spirit of excellence from the life of Daniel and Joseph.
