A Letter in LockdownSample

A Letter in Lockdown

DAY 2 OF 15


When we receive Jesus into our heart, he begins his work in us; work that we need every day. Beck Wilesmith says, “Salvation is free but following Jesus costs us everything.” We are saved by his grace, and it’s his grace working in us that enables and empowers us to follow him every day. 

It’s a wrestle to live for Jesus because living for him costs us. It costs us our time, money, resources, friendship, ambition, and even money. Did I say it costs us money? Why does following Jesus cost me all these things, you ask? Because when you receive salvation and make Him Lord of your life, you’ve given him control of - wait for it - everything! 

If you’re anything like me, you will struggle to allow God control of your finance, time, and everything else. It’s all good in theory, but the application costs us. Paul describes this struggle in Romans 7:15-20. This is where we need God’s everlasting, ever continuing grace to refine us, shape us and continue its work in us so that we can be all that he’s made us to be. 

Your heart is like a house, and God doesn’t just want one room; he wants the whole thing. The kitchen, bathroom, cupboards, wardrobes and drawers, everything! Why? Because your heart matters to God, you matter to God, and he wants to complete the work he started.

What areas of your heart do you need to surrender to him today?


Spend some time in reflection today and ask God to reveal to you the areas in your heart that need his work.  Write these areas down, be specific. Maybe God has asked you to lend something to a friend or spend less time watching Netflix and more time in prayer. 


Thank you, Jesus, for saving me. I ask that you continue your work in me today, shape me, mold me, and refine me. I surrender my whole heart to you and am thankful that you won’t give up on me but take confidence today that you will complete your work in me. 

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

A Letter in Lockdown

Life at times can feel like lockdown, even when we’re outside of a literal COVID- 19 lockdown! Paul writes his letter to the Philippians whilst in gaol, literal lockdown. Despite his predicament, Paul has a confident hope, is full of joy and, continually urges us to love others with God's unlimited love! Generation Unlimited, read with an open heart, and allow God to speak because he will!
