A Letter in LockdownSample

A Letter in Lockdown

DAY 7 OF 15


“Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself. It’s thinking of yourself less.” No, your youth pastor did not come up with this brilliant line. It was, in fact, C.S. Lewis. To be humble means to give your attention to others; it means to put other first. ‘Others,’ there’s that word again. 

In a world saturated with self-promotion, selfish ambition, and self-seeking behavior, you would think a humble person might stand out. This isn’t always the case. Humility isn’t viewed in the world’s eyes as spectacular. It isn’t seen on social media; it isn’t center stage at your favorite music festival or on the front page of the newspaper. Humble people aren’t the center of attention, but that’s kind of the point. Humility may not be viewed as spectacular, but it most certainly is significant. The Bible teaches us that God exalts the humble, gives grace to the humble, prospers, and gives wisdom to the humble. Exalted in order to lead others to Jesus, a continual supply of grace for you and others, prospering to help others prosper, and wisdom to lead others forward. 

So how do I become a person of humility? Well, just follow Jesus; “He humbled himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.” Jesus was obedient. Obedience is the key that unlocks humility. When we surrender our mind, will, emotions, and lives to God in obedience, we become humble! In another letter, Paul teaches us that “Christ’s love compels us.” His love compels us to love others first before ourselves. 

Are you obedient in following Jesus? Are you seeking what is spectacular in life or what is significant?


Change one area of your life today that isn’t obedient to God.


Jesus, thank you for modeling to me what it means to live a life of humility and serve others. Help me in this season to think of myself less and to think of others more. Show me the areas of my life where I need to be obedient to you, and please show me the steps I need to take to get there.

Day 6Day 8

About this Plan

A Letter in Lockdown

Life at times can feel like lockdown, even when we’re outside of a literal COVID- 19 lockdown! Paul writes his letter to the Philippians whilst in gaol, literal lockdown. Despite his predicament, Paul has a confident hope, is full of joy and, continually urges us to love others with God's unlimited love! Generation Unlimited, read with an open heart, and allow God to speak because he will!
