New HorizonsSample

New Horizons

DAY 9 OF 14

Will We Perceive It?

At times, our memory can seem to have a mind of its own. Often, the purpose of wanting something new is so that we can forget past experiences. We want an exciting distraction to look forward to. When we are looking forward to new possibilities or fresh starts, we can be blindsided by old triggers and familiar obstacles. Typically, these problems bring up memories that have us reflecting on our past and even repeating old responses.

If we’re not careful, we can find ourselves writing new stories through old filters and forming opinions and decisions from a place of brokenness. It’s tempting to bring the past into our present. When we live focused on the old, we can end up wandering in circles for years! But in this passage our spirits are given instruction on how to break this cycle. “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.”

The promise in the next verse is in the present tense. “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up...” These verses do not proclaim that He’s “going to do a new thing, eventually.” He is doing it — right now!


This moment.

God is currently doing a new thing.

He is calling us to come out of the old and rise above our default responses. He is asking us to see and respond to His hand of preparation and purpose in our lives. We can see what He has done, is doing, and will continue to do as we live righteously, according to the Word of God and with a vision to see His kingdom come here on earth.

“Do you not perceive it? I will even put a road in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.” Are we expecting God to do a new thing in our lives? That may seem impossible when you consider your present circumstances, but take heart. The Bible declares that God has made a way, carved a road to lead you and positioned rivers of living water to refresh you.

So much is on the horizon for us. Our God’s plan looks new, sounds new, feels new and brings with it new revelation and blessings. Will we not perceive it? 

Pray With Me

God, may this be the year that “we will!” Lord, today I want to step into the new: new bold prayers, new study habits, new levels of surrender to Your Spirit’s leading and new wonders found in following Him! May I perceive the new things You are doing all around me, and may I step into Your invitation to see and to respond to Your hand in my life. Give me eyes to see how Your kingdom could invade my world today. Amen.

Key Memory Verse

2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

Written by Graeme & Melanie Politanski, Location Pastors, Citipointe Church Brisbane North

Day 8Day 10

About this Plan

New Horizons

It’s no secret that life can leave us feeling discouraged, left behind, or caught in old cycles. Thankfully, God is the author of fresh starts. New Horizons: Discovering possibility, purpose, and potential in Christ will refresh your soul, no matter where your walk with God takes you. This simple 14-day devotional gives you new fuel to run your race, and fresh encouragement for your season. Your new horizon starts today!
