New HorizonsSample

New Horizons

DAY 8 OF 14

The Wind Of The Spirit

I love camping off the grid, out in the elements. A consequence of this passion is that I am exposed to rain, hail, and sunshine. At times, I would love to be in control, dictating these forces of nature to make it a perfect trip, yet we all know that there are some things we cannot control. 

This passage (John 3:8) is in relation to Jesus describing to Nicodemus what it is to be born again, a “new creation” in Christ and the fruits of true salvation. The Greek word for “wind” in this passage is “pneuma,” which is also used in the Bible to reference the Holy Spirit. To associate wind with the Holy Spirit paints a picture of unpredictability or loss of control in our faith journey. We see the effects of wind (for me, it’s a depleted tent due to wind gusts), but apart from a weather forecast, we don’t know when it is coming and where it is going. 

As a believer and follower of Christ, there is a breeze, a gust of wind that is out of our control. At times, breeze can cause things to shift and move, but we can allow ourselves to tap into this movement and direction, rather than working against it. It was out of a whirlwind that the Lord answered Job (Job 38:1). It was in the upper room where the Holy Spirit came as a “rushing mighty wind,” filling all those that were present (Acts 2:2).

I’m so thankful that God’s plan was more than putting us on this Earth and leaving us to own devices to navigate through life. The same way that God led the Israelites by a pillar of cloud/pillar of fire out of bondage (Exodus 13:21) and into the promised land is the same way today that He will direct our paths. His Spirit is leading us to His purposes, His plan for our lives and into our next.

If you have not accepted and received the gift of the Holy Spirit, our promised Helper (John 14:16) to guide, comfort, intercede & strengthen you in your journey, you can simply ask in faith using the prayer points below. 

If you have already received this gift, take a moment to acknowledge His presence. Ask Him once again to help you navigate through your day and the season you find yourself in.

Pray With Me

God, thank You for the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank You that You did not leave us on this Earth without a plan and that You provided us with our very own Helper. Today I acknowledge and accept You Holy Spirit. Fill me again so that the power of Your resurrection will work in me according to Your will.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Key Memory Verse

John 3:8, "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Written by Brendan Hannah, Discipleship Pastor, Citipointe Church Brisbane

Day 7Day 9

About this Plan

New Horizons

It’s no secret that life can leave us feeling discouraged, left behind, or caught in old cycles. Thankfully, God is the author of fresh starts. New Horizons: Discovering possibility, purpose, and potential in Christ will refresh your soul, no matter where your walk with God takes you. This simple 14-day devotional gives you new fuel to run your race, and fresh encouragement for your season. Your new horizon starts today!
