The 8 Blessed Steps to Start a New Life ნიმუში

The 8 Blessed Steps to Start a New Life

DAY 2 OF 8

God Created a Beautiful Life for Everyone with a Purpose

In the beginning, God created a beautiful perfect world where God and man lives in perfect harmony, and they fellowship with one another enjoying the beautiful companionship in the perfect world (Genesis 1:1, 31). 

God does not need us; in fact, He is by Himself sufficient and is independently perfect on His own from eternity past to eternity future. But He chose to create us, and as we know, no one creates anything without a purpose. In anything that we created, we have a purpose. The creator or the manufacturer decides what he creates or manufactures becomes. For instance, from a lump of clay, we can make or create pot, cup, bowl, etc. We are the maker of those, so we decide what the purpose of those will be. In the creation of God, the purpose is embedded as well. 

The word of God tells us that He created us in his own image (Genesis 1:27) and therefore, since he created us fearfully and wonderfully in his own image, He is the one who decides what the purpose of our life is. You are his creation (Genesis 1:27, Psalm 139:14). You can deny it, but you cannot change the fact. You may say that you do not have a purpose in life. It is true. It is not you who decides the purpose of your life; it was the maker, the creator, the manufacturer—Almighty God—who decides the purpose of your life. If you do not know about that, you will never be satisfied in life no matter how rich, how influential, how famous, how successful, how beautiful, or how handsome you might become. 

You are not an accident nor incident or by coincidence that you exist today. You are a beautiful masterpiece of God. 

The purpose of God in His creation is that we were originally created in His own image. The image of God includes all things good, and the most prominent one perhaps is that God is love (1 John 4:8). He created us so that we become the one who loves him more than anything else (Matthew 22:37) as he first loved us (1 John 4:19) and to glorify Him (Isaiah 43:7). Do you love God more than anything else to give glory to Him? If not, it means you have not fulfilled the purpose of your existence. Why this is important? In life, there will be so many instances where you will have to choose between love of God and love of other things. If you choose love of God, you will do the right thing and that gives glory to God. But sadly we do not choose the love of God in all things nor do we have the capacity to choose it. In fact, we were created to choose love of God to give glory to His name. You were created to give glory to God, and in return you are supposed to enjoy Him forever, but that does not happen because we lost His image in us. 


Almighty Heavenly Father, I did not know that you created me out of love and you chose to love me first. You created me with the purpose to display your image in me and to give glory to your name and to enjoy you. Instead, I try to enjoy other things which never satisfy me. Thank you for creating me in love. I realized I am not an accident. I am created to love you as you love me; I am created to give glory to you and to enjoy you. Help me to fulfil the purpose in which you have created me. Help me to discover how I can be restored fully to your original plan. In the name of Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen. 

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

The 8 Blessed Steps to Start a New Life

Do you know the purpose of your life? You may be rich, influential, intellectual, famous, or are an influencer, but if you are not following God’s plan, all are meaningless, and there is no perfect peace in meaninglessness. Or are you tired of your life, and you are looking for a new way of life? This plan will help you to start a new life.
