Getting Ready-21 Days of PrayerSample

Getting Ready-21 Days of Prayer

DAY 3 OF 21

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

“Apart from me you can do nothing.” When Jesus is speaking to his disciples in John 15 he doesn’t say apart from me you can do some things. He doesn't say apart from me you can manage your household or even do your work. He says apart from me you can do nothing. If I'm being honest, this sounds a little scary,  but I've also  realized how freeing this truly is. John 15 is such a sweet reminder of the privilege we have to walk with Christ. To be near to our creator in the mundane and the chaos. 

I was listening to a song this morning inspired by John 15. One of the lines says, “I’ll be the branches if You'll be the root. I’d give all my freedom, I’d become a slave. To lay on your shore and be washed by your waves.” This paints a perfect picture of what it looks like to surrender to Christ and remain in His Word and to remain in Christ. Once we surrender,  we get to sit near the Father and we get to bear fruit in His will. 

Challenge- Meditate on the song “God be”  By Chris Renzema 

Prayer Prompt- Today ask the Lord to remind you  of his worthiness. Ask Him to fill you with gifts of His spirit so that you can bear fruit for Kingdom


Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Getting Ready-21 Days of Prayer

Getting Ready is a 21-day prayer journey for you to get ready for all that God has for you in 2021. Revelation 19 talks about the wedding of the Lamb and that our God is coming. We want to prepare our hearts for His return and to live with urgency.
