Getting Ready-21 Days of PrayerSample

Getting Ready-21 Days of Prayer

DAY 1 OF 21

Most people are excited for 2020 to be over. It was a challenging year to say the least. The global pandemic, shutdowns, school closures, masks, people losing jobs, the presidential election, and family challenges. That’s just a small list. Many people are ready for things to just get back to normal so they can do the things they love. But what if God doesn’t want things to get back to normal? What if God wants to do a new thing in your life in 2021? Normal is depression and anxiety. Normal is brokenness. Normal is more of the same. I don’t know about you but I don’t want more of the same. I want God to do something new in me and through me. Before God can do something new through me, I must allow Him to do something new in me. 

Paul said if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation. The old is gone and the new is here. Our God is about taking the old and doing something new. As we start 2021, I believe God wants to do something new in your life. Will you let him?

At the start of each year I encourage our church to prayerfully consider one word that can define their year. This word is an anchor for you during the year that you continually go back to that keeps you focused. How do you want God to work in your life this year? Our God wants us to do something new. 

Challenge: What is your word for 2021 and what would you like to see God do new in your life this year? 

Prayer Prompt: Jesus,  I want you to do something new in my life this year. Lead me, guide me, and empower me to live fully for you. 

Day 2

About this Plan

Getting Ready-21 Days of Prayer

Getting Ready is a 21-day prayer journey for you to get ready for all that God has for you in 2021. Revelation 19 talks about the wedding of the Lamb and that our God is coming. We want to prepare our hearts for His return and to live with urgency.
