One Woman Can Change the WorldSample

One Woman Can Change the World

DAY 7 OF 7

Day Seven

You Are Never Not Worthy Enough to Begin

Scripture: Ephesians 2:10 and 3:20

God is faithful even on the days we allow other things to get in the way of our fidelity. He is trustworthy even on the days we allow other things to catch our eye. He is present even on the days we are overwhelmed by the past or the future.

God is there to remind us that His timeline always trumps ours. In His chronology, there’s no too young, too old, too lacking. In His design, our design is perfected—no matter our geography, address, heritage, big plans, or failed attempts. He is there to strengthen us so we may in turn strengthen others. He is there to take the fury that threatens and transform it into beauty and power. 

Ephesians 2:10 tells us ways God has etched heaven’s poetry on our lives to accomplish magnificent things. Ephesians 3:20 says His creativity within us is greater than anything we could imagine. His story within us is filled with plot twists and mystery and comedy and suspense—and it’s deeper and higher and wider than any page could hold. 

That’s why even though I haven’t met you, I know this about you:

No one can disqualify you from your purpose. 

You don’t have to have all the pieces in place to lead and serve well. 

Your purpose will continue to unfold throughout your leadership journey.

You are never not worthy enough to begin.

Your story can—and will—change. Allow it to do its work. You are uniquely gifted as a woman to lead creatively. Allow that creativity to rise within you.

Leadership opportunities may be for a season or a lifetime. Both are equal in their power. Embrace the disruptions, and watch God add to your days. You are most beautiful when you bend. 

Your purpose will be strengthened by both joy and pain, both success and failure. Embrace it all. 

Don’t feel that you have to “find your purpose.” Often, your calling is hidden like a gemstone in your circumstances. 

Don’t be afraid to speak up and speak out. Don’t be afraid to pray for and pray over. Your purpose has a voice, and God adores it. Speak the language of love. 

You are never too old—or too young—to begin. 

One woman can change the world, and God says, “That woman is you.” 

What are three ways (or more!) God has uniquely gifted you to lead and influence others? 

Day 6

About this Plan

One Woman Can Change the World

As women, many of us allow the voices of our culture, envy, and our own self-doubt to drown out our own God-given voice. This devotional helps you recognize your areas of influence—and how your physical, emotional, and spiritual DNA uniquely equips you to change the world. Come reclaim your God-designed impact through Ronne Rock’s reminders of how God created us to be a part of His grand story.
