One Woman Can Change the WorldSample

One Woman Can Change the World

DAY 3 OF 7

Day Three

“Strong Helper Standing Face-to-Face”

Scripture: Genesis 1:27–31; Genesis 2:18–22

In Genesis 1, God designed man and woman in His image and likeness, then said, “I’ve got big plans for you. I’ve poured everything I am into you. And this is so very good” (my paraphrase). 

In Genesis 2, a bit more detail is offered about the “very good” moment, about a deep sleep and God’s skilled hands shaping flesh and bone into new flesh and bone. 

When explaining why God would choose to use a rib to design a woman, many wax poetic about a woman being by a man’s side and near his heart and under his arm. But before Genesis 2, there is Genesis 1. There is God forming and breathing, deliberate in His design of both man and woman to reflect His full image and likeness. They are designed with the same substance, the same breath, the same connection with creation. He looks at both of His masterpieces of design and calls them “very good.” He blesses them. 

God was purposeful in the word picture He chose to describe the creative moment. Ribs guard the heart and lungs. Ribs give strength to stand. Life can be sustained without many bones in the body, but life cannot be sustained without a ribcage. Ribs are flexible, able to expand and contract as needed to create space for breath. It’s only when those ribs are broken that they become a danger to the very life they are designed to protect. 

The phrase that refers to the woman in Genesis 2 is ezer kenegdo. Translated, it means “helper of the same nature” or “strong helper standing face-to-face.” Think about the weight of each of those words. Strong. Helper. Standing. Face-to-face. 

We are created in strength to actively contribute to and provide what is necessary, ever upright and powerful, and always rich in relationship. 

I read those words and realize how often I’ve denied my divine heritage. I’ve not seen myself as having God-designed strength. I’ve judged myself by a list of tasks rather than seeing my self as the real contribution to the restoration of the world around me. 

Thinking back on the past few days, how have you judged yourself based on what you did or did not accomplish? How would your thoughts about yourself look different if you believed you who are is a contribution to the world? 

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

One Woman Can Change the World

As women, many of us allow the voices of our culture, envy, and our own self-doubt to drown out our own God-given voice. This devotional helps you recognize your areas of influence—and how your physical, emotional, and spiritual DNA uniquely equips you to change the world. Come reclaim your God-designed impact through Ronne Rock’s reminders of how God created us to be a part of His grand story.
