Love RiotSample

Love Riot

DAY 7 OF 7

Day 7

No Reserves. No Retreats. No Regrets

Luke 9:23-27, Luke 9:57-62, Hebrews 12:1-2, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, 2 Timothy 4:7-8

William Borden was sixteen when God placed a call on his heart to share the gospel with those who had never heard about Christ. After that, William wrote two words in his Bible: No reserves. Later, two more words were added: No retreats.

At the age of twenty-five, William headed to Egypt to prepare for life as a missionary. While there, he contracted spinal meningitis and died a few weeks later. Just before he died, two final words were written in his Bible: No regrets.

Even though he didn’t make it to the mission field, William aspired to live sold out for Christ. His story has inspired countless people to live with no reserves . . . no retreats . . . and no regrets. 

How often do we retreat in following Christ? We’re quick to say, “Jesus, I’ll follow You.” But then we realize what that might mean, so we soften the level of commitment. 

Jesus, I’ll follow You . . . but first, let me graduate from high school. 

Jesus, I’ll follow You . . . but don’t ask me to save sex for marriage. 

Jesus, I’ll follow You . . . but don’t ask me to serve You in another country. 

Jesus is calling us not to retreat on our original commitment of “Jesus, I’ll follow You.” 

No retreats mean going the distance with God. Jesus doesn’t give us a map or show us what the future will hold. He gives one command: follow Me.

I often think of the passion and commitment of those persecuted for Christ. I pray we follow their example and reject the apathy that so often marks our lives. We have the freedom to live openly for Jesus. May we not despise the sacrifice others make to follow Christ by our complacency.

I can’t help but ask myself, When have I retreated? I know I have. I’ve let fear overtake my faith. I’ve said no and turned away. But now I say no more. Let’s be a generation living for Christ with no retreats and holy stubbornness.

Hebrews 12:1–2 compares following Jesus to running a race. It encourages us to “run with endurance the race . . . set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” 

I pray we learn to “run with endurance” looking only to Jesus. At the end of our lives, may we be able to say with Paul, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7). 

Come, join the love riot. Let’s live all in for Christ. Let’s show the world the God we know. Let’s share the gospel and serve our neighbors and live in wonderstruck worship of our King. Let’s live like Jesus Christ is Lord. Like He’s everything.

Because He is, you know. 

Day 6

About this Plan

Love Riot

We’ve all heard that teens are leaving the church. But what if, instead of teens walking away from God, we could see a generation arising with passion for Jesus? This seven-day devotional is an invitation to embark on a radical journey of relentless love for Christ. Once you experience His love, it transforms your life. Come join the love riot and invite God to invade your life with His grace!
