Love RiotSample

Love Riot

DAY 2 OF 7

Day 2

Going Deeper

Matthew 7:13-29, Matthew 22:34-40

How often do we settle for a “Facebook” relationship with Jesus? If you’re on Facebook, you know what I’m talking about. I don’t personally know everyone I’m friends with on Facebook. I know facts about them, such as what kind of ice cream they enjoy or what they do for fun, but I don’t know their struggles. I don’t know their priorities or passions. I don’t know their hearts.

For many of us, that’s what our relationship with Jesus is like. We have a form of a relationship. We identify enough with Him that we go to church, volunteer, occasionally read the Bible, and send up a prayer when we need help. 

We think we’re a good person and surely that earns us the title of “Christian.” We say we know God, but do we really? Does our relationship go any deeper than a superficial Facebook friendship? Just like a true friendship needs more than an occasional text or like to thrive, our relationship with God requires work, sacrifice, and time. Many of us don’t put in the time and effort to truly seek God. Our complacency in the relationship is defined by the lack of effort we give. 

It comes down to the fact that it’s easy to be a card-carrying Christian without our faith authentically changing our lives. But Jesus longs for so much more.

In Matthew 7, Jesus warns us, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?” And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you.” (v. 21–23)

Notice Jesus didn’t tell them, “You didn’t do enough for me,” “You didn’t follow the rules,” or “You didn’t look like the model Christian.” He said He didn’t know them.

Do you know Jesus? Truly, intimately know Him? The journey of following Christ is one of pursuit. Seeking Him, praying to love Him more, coming before Him even if all the “feels” don’t line up. Obeying Him no matter what. 

More than our superficial works for God, He wants our hearts. Our love. Our sold-out devotion. Do you want to experience God in a new way? Do you want to learn more about Him? Do you want to know Him? 

Today, ask Him for more of Himself. Obediently seek Him through scripture, and ask Him to help you love Him more.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Love Riot

We’ve all heard that teens are leaving the church. But what if, instead of teens walking away from God, we could see a generation arising with passion for Jesus? This seven-day devotional is an invitation to embark on a radical journey of relentless love for Christ. Once you experience His love, it transforms your life. Come join the love riot and invite God to invade your life with His grace!
