Moses – The Making of a LeaderSample

Moses – The Making of a Leader

DAY 15 OF 22

Day 15: Moses meets God on the Mountain 

Thoughts on the Passage

God calls Moses up to the mountain.

God’s people are afraid to listen to God speak – just like Moses when he first heard God speak to him and Moses hid his face before God. So the people ask Moses to listen to God and tell them what God says.

The fear of facing God is real. It is real for a sinner who must face the consequences of their sin. The fear is real to someone who poorly understands God – and is afraid that they will do something wrong and not realize it, and face terrible consequences (this is the people of Israel). Moses, who knows God better than anyone else, is also afraid – and the more he knows, the more he realizes the awesome power of God. 

The question we need to ask is this – “how do we deal with our fear?” The people need someone to intervene for them – to learn what God requires of them and then instruct them. Moses does this for the people. He goes into the presence of God and hears what God has for His people and then comes and instructs the nation. Moses leaves leaders who can help deal with situations while he is gone and then goes up on the mountain for forty days and nights. How does Moses deal with his fear? We do not know. However, he does not let his fear stop him from seeking the presence of God.

Regardless of why we fear God, Moses’ example is worth following. Whatever causes us to pull back from God – fear of judgment, ignorance, His power and holiness, etc. – they are real, but God is willing to allow us into His presence anyway. Do not miss the opportunity.

Application to our Life

Is there anything that is keeping us from seeking God today? God wants us to bring it to Him. Nothing is too big a problem for Him to address.

We know God calls us into His presence – just like He did to Moses. Will I take time to seek His face today? Will I bring my needs to God with confidence that He will hear me?

Time to Pray
Father, when I look at how the people feared Your power so much that it stopped them wanting to hear You, that reminds me of my heart as well. I know that You created me – and You love Your creation! Help me today to remember that I was created to fellowship with You. I was created to have relationship with You. Nothing needs to get in the way – and yet things do. Fear of Your response to my failures, weaknesses and ignorance keep me from coming. Today I choose to come. I choose to seek Your face. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Day 14Day 16

About this Plan

Moses – The Making of a Leader

We all have excuses as to why we cannot move when God tells us to. “I’m not qualified” or “I’m still getting training in that area”. We think that our limitations are God’s limitations and we stop moving. In Plan 4 of Learning from the Old Testament Greats, we see Moses’ journey from fearful to faithful. We learn from his life how one “grows as they go”.
