Moses – The Making of a LeaderSample

Moses – The Making of a Leader

DAY 19 OF 22

Day 19: Moses interceded (part 4)

Thoughts on the Passage

The is the last of Moses’ prayers for God’s people. It is a powerful prayer that teaches several key thoughts.

First, keep the honor of God’s name at the top of our prayers and intercession.

Moses knew that the people were in open rebellion against God and the leaders God had in place for them. It was a dangerous situation as God was about to judge the people and destroy them. How do we intervene in prayer for people in such situations? When we are being attacked directly and in an unjust manner, it is easy to ask God to judge them for it! Moses, does not do that. Moses reminds God that if He does that, then the nations will say that God could not do what He promised – take the people into the land of Canaan. He could not give them the land of promise as they had boldly proclaimed. Moses was asking God to forgive them (and pardon their sin) even though they were in open rebellion.

Second, we see that God honors Moses' prayer – God wanted exactly what Moses was praying. James 2:13 says that “mercy triumphs over judgment”. God wants mercy to always win out. That is why His forgiveness is available to all mankind. No prayer of ours should exclude a cry for God’s mercy for people.

Third, God pardons, but does not remove the consequences of their disobedience. We think pardoning should always remove the consequences, but that is not what happens. God pardons and forgives, but the people lose the right to enter the land of promise. They must die in the wilderness and their children will receive His promises. Only Caleb and Joshua will be allowed into the land of promise – all the other men who saw God’s great wonders will die in the wilderness.

Application to our Life

Do my prayers for people always include a call for God’s mercy? 

Who has spoken against me – in an unjust, evil way? Am I concerned more about God’s name and glory, or am I concerned about my vindication?

Time to Pray
Father, I read this last prayer of Moses and I do not see myself in him. I do not see that I am willing to seek Your mercy like he did. I do not see that I am more concerned about Your name than my honor or “rightness”. How can I teach people to pray like this when I struggle with blessing those who curse me? How can I ask You to show mercy to me when I fail when I do not have the same heart for every other sinner? So Father, please forgive me. Give me Your heart in tough situations. Give me a passion to see Your name honored – especially in situations that need Your mercy. In Jesus' name, Amen. 

Day 18Day 20

About this Plan

Moses – The Making of a Leader

We all have excuses as to why we cannot move when God tells us to. “I’m not qualified” or “I’m still getting training in that area”. We think that our limitations are God’s limitations and we stop moving. In Plan 4 of Learning from the Old Testament Greats, we see Moses’ journey from fearful to faithful. We learn from his life how one “grows as they go”.
