Moses – The Making of a LeaderSample

Moses – The Making of a Leader

DAY 13 OF 22

Day 13: Moses and the Amalekites 

Thoughts on the Passage

Rephidim became a place of conflict. 

Yesterday, it was conflict over water – over God providing for their needs. Moses used the rod of God to release provision of water from the Rock. Today there is conflict with the Amalekites – they are attacking the people of Israel. 

This requires a people who have never fought a battle to now go to war. Joshua chooses men to go and fight – Moses takes the rod of God and fights! While Moses is lifting the rod of God, Joshua gains the victory. When Moses is tired, Joshua and his men lose. That means that this battle is as much spiritual as it is physical. Joshua cannot win the physical battle without victory happening in the spiritual realm first. The rod of God is used by Moses to release victory there. When Moses gets tired, then others help him as well – it is not a one-person battle.

This is a powerful principle. Physical attacks are also spiritual attacks as well. To rely only on physical skills, physical tools, physical tactics, and physical effort will not release victory. Victory starts in the spiritual first. This happens in workplace problems, marriage problems, church problems, and national problems. Too often we do not take time to ensure victory in the spiritual before we start solving the problems in the physical. 

Finally, we have a promise from God. This promise is two-fold. 

First, God releases another covenant name – Jehovah Nissi, or the Lord our banner. God will be their covering and the banner in which they go into battle. The children of Israel need to know this as they prepare to become a nation and enter into the land of promise. 

Second, God makes a promise that He will hold Amalek accountable for trying to take advantage of defenseless people. This covenant name and promise is for God’s people and specifically for Joshua. When they face enemies in the future (including Amalek), God will be their banner in the midst of the battle.

God has not changed.
We need His banner over us in every battle we face. 

Application to our Life

What physical challenge do we face today? Start with asking God for spiritual victory because Jesus is our banner and victory starts when we come under Him and His banner.

At Rephidim, the rod of God released provision for their physical needs and protection when facing attack. Moses is getting more skilled in the use of God’s anointing. What are we doing to get more skilled with what God gives to us as we deal with life’s challenges?

Time to Pray
Father, as we read about the time at Rephidim, it reminds me that You want to develop us and our anointing. Every one of the challenges we face has a purpose and You have given us everything we need to succeed. You have not changed throughout the centuries. I still have You waiting at the Rock to provide. I still have You covering me with Your banner as I face battles. I just need to use what You have put in my hands to do the work You require.  Help me today to not start with what I know or what I can do. Help me to start with You… and then do everything out of that understanding. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Day 12Day 14

About this Plan

Moses – The Making of a Leader

We all have excuses as to why we cannot move when God tells us to. “I’m not qualified” or “I’m still getting training in that area”. We think that our limitations are God’s limitations and we stop moving. In Plan 4 of Learning from the Old Testament Greats, we see Moses’ journey from fearful to faithful. We learn from his life how one “grows as they go”.
