God, Help Me Raise Kind Kids!Sample

God, Help Me Raise Kind Kids!

DAY 2 OF 5

Love is Kind

Alex is 8-years-old and she has a big heart. Her goal is to complete 600 random acts of kindness for others. Her list is long, but it has heartfelt inspiration behind it. She is inspired because of her “nana’s” training and example. After her nana died, Alex set out to make sure her nana’s kindness continued to be passed along to others. On what would have been her Nana’s 60th birthday, Alex completed her 600th act of kindness. What an inspiration for all of us!

Jesus modeled kindness as an example to all of us. The account we read today about the Samaritan woman at the well contains many powerful lessons. She came to get water from Jacob’s well and while there, she had a divine encounter with Jesus. She was a Samaritan, a race of people that were despised by the Jews. When she came for water, Jesus didn’t see her as dirty. Instead He shared with her the message of the Living Water. In John 4:13, “Jesus said to her, ‘Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’”

How do we see people who are different than us? Do we ignore them or do we follow Jesus’ example and show them kindness? Our kids initially learn kindness by watching us be kind to others. Today, let’s model kindness as we interact with those who are different than us.

Suggested prayer:

Father, I know kindness doesn’t come naturally to my children. Help me to be intentional about training them to be kind to others. May kindness be a by-product of your work in my life so that I can be an example to my children. May I show kindness today and in turn train my kids to exude your kindness to those they meet.

Check out a video about Alex’s list of 600 random acts of kindness! See a list of kindness ideas and start your own list of goals. 


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About this Plan

God, Help Me Raise Kind Kids!

Do you want to instill the attribute of kindness into your kids? It’s often difficult to model kindness to our children, so let’s discuss it. Over the next 5 days, we’ll study what the Bible says about kindness and pray together for our kids.
