God, Help Me Raise Kind Kids!Sample

God, Help Me Raise Kind Kids!

DAY 1 OF 5

Kindness is a Fruit

Aiden has the gift of gab. He can talk (and talk some more) and that skill is making him very popular! As a volunteer at his local VA Medical Center, his task is to wheel the patients from one location to another. At just 13-years-old, he’s the most popular volunteer on campus. Why? His kindness sets him apart.

Aiden’s mom explains that Aiden, who has high-functioning autism, didn’t talk until he was 3-years-old. His mom wondered if he would ever talk. But he did, and now the gift of gab is making a huge difference in the lives of the patients around him. He is thriving in this environment—meeting new people and investing in their lives. He can talk and talk and talk some more, and it has turned into an act of kindness that is changing lives.

In the passage we read today, kindness is listed as a fruit of the Spirit—a result of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the life of a believer. The Holy Spirit makes us more like Christ and kindness is part of the fruit that sets us apart as children of God. 

The word for kindness in this passage means “tender concern or uprightness.” It implies both an attribute of your heart and a resulting action. Today, set apart time to explain to your children what kindness is. Explain that when we show kindness to others, it reflects the kindness of God.

Suggested prayer:

God, Your Word tells us that kindness is a fruit of Your Spirit. Help me use this fruit and be intentional about spreading kindness to those around me, especially to my children. May I be the example You want me to be. Amen.

Check out a video about Aiden and his gift of gab .

Day 2

About this Plan

God, Help Me Raise Kind Kids!

Do you want to instill the attribute of kindness into your kids? It’s often difficult to model kindness to our children, so let’s discuss it. Over the next 5 days, we’ll study what the Bible says about kindness and pray together for our kids.
