Mattha 14
Tha deith o Jhone tha Baptiser
1At that time Herod tha Tetrarch heerd whut the' wur sayin aboot Jesus, 2an he saed tae hïs sarvin men, “Thïs ïs Jhone tha Baptiser; he haes ris frae tha deid! That's tha raison he haes these mïraclis pooers.” 3Noo afore thïs, Herod haed tuk houl o Jhone, an he haed hïm tyed up an püt awa ïn jail acause o Herodias, hïs brither Phïlip's wife, 4fer Jhone wus aye tellin hïm, “Tha Laa daesnae alloo ye tae hae hir!” 5Herod wud hae kïllt Jhone, but he wus afeart o tha crood turnin on hïm, acause the' lukt on Jhone as a proaphit.
6-7But at Herod's birthday pairtie, tha dochtèr o Herodias daunced afore thaim an plaised Herod that much, that he swore he'd gie hir whutiver she axt fer. 8Tha wee lass saed - ït wus hir mither püt hir up tae ït - “Jist gie me tha heid o Jhone tha Baptiser on a plattèr!” 9Tha kïng wus wile annoyt aboot thïs, but acause o whut he'd swore an tha yins wi hïm roon tha table, he oardèrt thaim tae gie hir whut she haed axt fer. 10Sae he got thaim tae tak tha heid aff Jhone ïn tha jail. 11The' brocht ït bak on a plattèr an the' gien ït tae tha wee lass, an she cairriet ït tae hir mither. 12Jhone's follaers cum an tuk hïs bodie awa an buriet ït. Then the' went an toul Jesus whut haed happent.
Tha five thoosan weel fed
13Whaniver Jesus heerd thïs, he went awa ïn a bóat bi hïs lane tae a quait place. But whan tha croods got tae know aboot ït, the' follaed hïm on fit frae tha toons. 14An whan Jesus cum tae lan, he fun a quare thrang o fowk fornent hïm, an hïs hairt went oot tae thaim an he cured thair seeck fowk. 15Then as evenin wus draain ïn, hïs follaers cum tae hïm an saed, “Thïs ïs a richt oot o tha wye place, an ït's gettin late. Senn tha croods awa, sae the' can gang tae tha clachans an buy thairsels a bite tae ait.” 16Jesus saed, “The' dïnnae need tae gae awa. Yous gie thaim sumthin tae ait.” 17“We hae naethin here but five bannocks an twa fïsh,” the' reponed. 18“Weel, brïng thaim here tae me,” he saed. 19He oardèrt tha fowk tae sït doon on tha gress. An takkin tha five bannocks an tha twa fïsh an lukkin up tae heiven, he blisst ït an brauk tha bannocks. Then he gien thaim tae hïs follaers, an tha follaers gien thaim tae tha fowk. 20The' aa et thair fïll, an hïs follaers gethert up twal creels fu o aa tha wee bïts that wus left ower. 21Tha nummer o thaim that et wus aboot five thoosan men, niver mine weemen an weans.
Jesus waaks on tha wattèr
22Richt awa, Jesus made tha follaers get ïntae tha bóat an gae on aheid o hïm tae tha ither side, while he toul tha thrang tae gae hame. 23Eftèr he haed sent thaim awa, he went up tha muntin bi hissel fer tae pray. At dailygan, he wus thair on hïs lane.
24Bi noo tha bóat wus aareadie miles awa frae tha lan; ït wus takkin a hemmerin frae tha waves, an tha wun wus agin ït. 25Cum tha fowerth watch o tha nicht#14.25 Aboot thrie o'clock ïn tha moarnin Jesus gaed oot tae thaim, waakin on tha wattèr. 26Whaniver hïs follaers saen hïm waakin on tha wattèr, the' wur hairt-scarred, an trimmlin wi fear the' caad oot, “It's a wraith!” 27But strecht awa Jesus spauk oot an saed tae thaim, “Tak hairt! It's masel. Dïnnae be feart!”
28“Loard, ïf ït's you,” Petèr saed, “bïd me cum tae ye on tha wattèr.” 29“Cum on then,” saed Jesus. Sae Petèr got doon oot o tha bóat, he waakt on tha wattèr, an he went nixt Jesus. 30But whaniver he saen hoo strang tha wun wus, he wus afeart an he stairtit tae sink. “Loard, save me!” he caad oot. 31At yinst Jesus raxt oot hïs han an grïpt hïm. “Hae ye nae faith ava?” he saed. “Why dïd ye doot me?” 32An whaniver the' climmed bak ïntae tha bóat, tha wun deed doon. 33Then thaim that wur ïn tha bóat wurshipt hïm, sayin, “You are tha Sinn o God, an that's tha truith o ït!”
34Whan the' gaed bak ower tha loch agane, the' landit at Gennesaret. 35An whaniver tha men o that place reconised Jesus, the' sent wurd roon tha hale kintrieside. An the' brocht aa thair seeck fowk tae hïm, 36an plaidit wi hïm tae let thaim jist touch tha hem o hïs robe. An iveriebodie that toucht ït wus makkit weel agane.
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