Mattha 14:30-31
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
But whaniver he saen hoo strang tha wun wus, he wus afeart an he stairtit tae sink. “Loard, save me!” he caad oot. At yinst Jesus raxt oot hïs han an grïpt hïm. “Hae ye nae faith ava?” he saed. “Why dïd ye doot me?”
Explore Mattha 14:30-31
Mattha 14:30
But whaniver he saen hoo strang tha wun wus, he wus afeart an he stairtit tae sink. “Loard, save me!” he caad oot.
Explore Mattha 14:30
Mattha 14:27
But strecht awa Jesus spauk oot an saed tae thaim, “Tak hairt! It's masel. Dïnnae be feart!”
Explore Mattha 14:27
Mattha 14:28-29
“Loard, ïf ït's you,” Petèr saed, “bïd me cum tae ye on tha wattèr.” “Cum on then,” saed Jesus. Sae Petèr got doon oot o tha bóat, he waakt on tha wattèr, an he went nixt Jesus.
Explore Mattha 14:28-29
Mattha 14:33
Then thaim that wur ïn tha bóat wurshipt hïm, sayin, “You are tha Sinn o God, an that's tha truith o ït!”
Explore Mattha 14:33
Mattha 14:16-17
Jesus saed, “The' dïnnae need tae gae awa. Yous gie thaim sumthin tae ait.” “We hae naethin here but five bannocks an twa fïsh,” the' reponed.
Explore Mattha 14:16-17
Mattha 14:18-19
“Weel, brïng thaim here tae me,” he saed. He oardèrt tha fowk tae sït doon on tha gress. An takkin tha five bannocks an tha twa fïsh an lukkin up tae heiven, he blisst ït an brauk tha bannocks. Then he gien thaim tae hïs follaers, an tha follaers gien thaim tae tha fowk.
Explore Mattha 14:18-19
Mattha 14:20
The' aa et thair fïll, an hïs follaers gethert up twal creels fu o aa tha wee bïts that wus left ower.
Explore Mattha 14:20